What Countries Are Shutting Down Again

covid 19 countries reopening

Updated March xvi, 2022

As many parts of the world continue to adjust their Covid regulations, some leaders are keeping some constraints on travel and gatherings, while other countries are easing their restrictions. Hither's a roundup of what's happening around the globe.

In the latest news, proof of vaccination for entry into venues and face masks on public transit will no longer be required in holland. As well, Vietnam has dropped its quarantine requirement for international visitors and Singapore has eased capacity limits for events. New Zealand volition allow Australian citizens to enter the country first April 12, sooner than previously announced. France has concluded its mask mandate and will no longer crave proof of vaccination for entry to restaurants, confined and venues. Meanwhile, England and the rest of the Great britain will driblet all remaining travel restrictions on March 18.

India will lift its ban on international air travel on March 27, while officials in China are urging residents not to leave Beijing. In the U.Southward. Virgin Islands, testing requirements have been lifted for vaccinated domestic travelers. The Bahamas has dropped its testing requirement for travelers on day five later on arrival. France eliminated the utilize of vaccine passes on March 14.

New Zealand says vaccinated travelers volition no longer accept to isolate upon arrival, and the United Arab Emirates has lifted testing requirements for the vaccinated. Commonwealth of australia reopened its borders to vaccinated travelers February. 21. Israel began allowing unvaccinated visitors to enter the country on March 1.

Switzerland has eliminated most of its Covid-19 measures. Nippon eased border restrictions on March 1, including shortening the quarantine time and increasing the number of people immune to enter each day. Austria will eliminate limits on consequence sizes and drib almost all coronavirus constraints on March 5. In Germany, the regime has announced a three-step plan to listing near Covid measures past March 20.

Post-obit are updated reports by country. Nosotros are also constantly updating our list of state-by-country gathering restrictions.

Reopening status in countries that banned or restricted events


Australia reopened to international travelers on February. 21. Fully vaccinated visa holders, including tourists and business travelers, must present a negative rapid-antigen test taken within 24 hours of travel, or a PCR test taken inside 72 hours of difference. On March 3, Western Australia is reopening its border for quarantine-free travel to those who have received three vaccine doses.

Covid-19 restrictions vary by region. Travel updates can be found on the Australian Department of Health's website.


Austria will ease Covid-19 restrictions on February. 19, with proof of vaccination or recent recovery from the virus no longer required for entry to events, bars, restaurants and other activities. A negative test result will suffice. On March five, these entry requirements and almost other Covid restrictions volition exist dropped altogether. Nightclubs will be able to reopen, a midnight curfew for restaurants and bars volition stop, and limits on event sizes will exist removed. Masks still will be required in certain settings, such as on public transportation and in pharmacies.

The Bahama islands

Constructive March 3, visitors to the Bahamas no longer have to have a rapid test on the fifth mean solar day after arrival. They must still take a PCR examination within 72 hours before travel and apply for a Bahamas Travel Health Visa, regardless of vaccination status.


As of Dec. 11, all travelers arriving in Brazil must provide proof of vaccination. The authorities had previously announced that vaccination was not mandatory, but visitors would have to quarantine for five days. Many cities in Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro, have postponed Carnival celebrations due to the Omicron variant.


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Starting Feb. 28, vaccinated visitors are able to enter Canada afterward a rapid Covid exam taken inside 24 hours of their flight or their arrival at the land border.

In Quebec, gyms and spas now tin can reopen at l percent capacity, and up to 5,000 people can attend outdoor events. Every bit of Feb. 12 there, restrictions on private gatherings have been lifted and restaurants are allowed to serve groups of up to 10 people. Also, concert venues, arenas and places of worship can welcome one-half of their normal chapters or upwardly to 500 people, whichever is fewer. Bars and casinos volition be immune to reopen at 50 percent capacity on Feb. 28 and must close by i a.m. Proof of vaccination is required for restaurants, confined, gyms and all arenas. Nigh measures are expected to exist completely lifted by March 14, with the exception of vaccination and masking requirements.

In Ontario, sure indoor establishments can open at 50 pct capacity like restaurants, confined, gyms, retailers, and meeting and result spaces on Feb. 1. Arenas and concert venues tin hold events at l percent capacity or up to 500 people, whichever is less. Gatherings are permitted with x people indoors and 25 outdoors. Beginning February. 21, capacity limits volition be lifted for indoor spaces that require proof of vaccination. Social gatherings will increase to 25 people indoors and 100 outdoors. All capacity limits for indoor spaces are expected to be lifted on March 14. Upwardly to fifty people volition be allowed at indoor social gatherings and in that location will be no limit on outdoor gatherings. Proof of vaccination and masking requirements will remain in place.

All travelers flying in from the U.s. must now be tested upon arrival and accept to quarantine until they receive a negative consequence. Canada has banned all visitors traveling from Arab republic of egypt, Malawi and Nigeria. Ottawa has also banned travelers from 7 countries in southern Africa.

The U.South. lifted travel restrictions with Canada on Nov. viii. Fully vaccinated Canadians are able to enter the country via the state border or past ferry for nonessential reasons. Proof of vaccination is required, and those who are not vaccinated are not immune to enter. Essential travelers from Canada besides demand to evidence proof of vaccination. Canadian travelers can currently fly into the U.S. with proof of vaccination and a negative Covid-19 PCR exam taken inside 24 hours prior to travel.

All trains between provinces, besides equally all airplanes leaving Canada, require proof of total vaccination. Cruise ship passengers also will be bailiwick to these requirements, when sailings resume in 2022. In add-on, all employers in the federally regulated air, rail and marine transportation sectors must establish vaccine mandates for their employees.

Canada's borders are open to fully vaccinated travelers from all countries not specifically mentioned otherwise. Eligible travelers must meet Canada's pre-entry testing requirements, exist asymptomatic upon inflow and upload their vaccination information to the ArriveCAN system. More details tin be found on the Canadian government'southward website.

Many provinces and territories have restricted gathering sizes. The Canadian government has also released a risk mitigation tool for result planners.

People's republic of china

On March 12, officials in Prc urged the public not to go out Beijing where five new cases were reported. After 22 new cases were reported in Shanghai, the local government announced that schools would go dorsum to online learning.

The lockdown in Xi'an in northward-key China has been lifted. All travelers to Prc must quarantine for 21 days.


As of Feb. 1, almost all Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. Masks are no longer required in restaurants, shops and on public transit. Social distancing and limits on indoor gatherings accept been eliminated. The national Covid pass app is no longer required for events, although organizers can yet choose to utilise information technology. As of January. 16, theaters, museums and entertainment parks accept reopened. Denmark previously tightened restrictions on Dec. 8 to preclude the spread of the Omicron variant, including closing nightclubs and requiring confined and restaurants to close by midnight.

On October. 25, Denmark lifted its requirement for having a "worthy purpose" to enter the country. Unvaccinated U.Due south. travelers still must take a Covid-19 exam upon arrival and quarantine for ten days. Cocky-isolation tin end with a negative PCR examination taken 4 days after traveling. Denmark has moved the United States to its orangish list of travel restrictions.

Due to Denmark'due south high vaccination rates, health minister Magnus Heunicke announced that the regime will no longer consider Covid-19 a "socially disquisitional disease" every bit of Sept. x. The country lifted all remaining pandemic restrictions on this day, becoming the first in the E.U. to practice so. A coronavirus passport arrangement, which has been required for entry to bars, restaurants, culture attractions and events, was phased out. Details and updates can be found on the government'due south website.


The Department of Ship appear that Covid-19 restrictions for international travelers entering England would be removed on March xviii. Visitors will no longer need to complete a passport locator grade, and the requirement for unvaccinated visitors to complete Covid-xix tests prior to divergence and on twenty-four hours two of arrival will be dropped. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will adapt the aforementioned travel policies.

England is in the process of lifting its remaining coronavirus restrictions under Prime Minister Boris Johnson'due south "Living with Covid" program. As of Feb. 24, people who test positive for Covid-nineteen are no longer required to quarantine. Still, they are still advised to stay home and avoid contact with others for at least five days. Routine contract tracing has ended. On Apr ane, the government will remove its guidance advising venues to use Covid-xix passes.

Face masks are no longer required in public spaces, including on public transportation and in shops. The government still recommends wearing face coverings in crowded spaces, particularly when meeting strangers.

Republic of the fiji islands

As of February. 7, businesses, venues and houses of worship no longer accept capacity limits. High-risk businesses similar bars, gyms and beauty salons must operate at 80 percent capacity and proof of vaccination is required. Indoor and outdoor sporting events can also be held at fourscore per centum chapters if all spectators wearable masks. The curfew and limits on social gatherings have been lifted.

Fiji welcomed its first strange travelers in more than 600 days on Dec. 1. The Pacific nation is pushing ahead with reopening plans, despite the threat of the Omicron variant. Nevertheless, Republic of the fiji islands Airways implemented actress screening to ensure the passengers flying in from Sydney hadn't recently visited any high-hazard countries. The country is expecting 75,000 tourists over the next couple of months.


On March 14, France lifted the requirement to show vaccine passports for entry into restaurants, bars, events and other venues. Also, people no longer need to wear masks in about indoor spaces, including shops, offices and schools. However, face coverings still are required on public transportation.

Seated public events that require face coverings are now immune to exceed the previous limits of two,000 people indoors and 5,000 people outdoors. On Feb. 16, nightclubs reopened and standing concerts were allowed to resume.

Nonessential travel is withal banned for the unvaccinated and they must quarantine for 10 days upon arrival. Depending on the land of origin, fully vaccinated travelers might need a negative PCR or antigen test taken within 24 to 48 hours of departure. The latest travel updates can be found on the regime'south website.


Deutschland has announced a three-stride plan to end well-nigh Covid rules by late March. The starting time phase volition allow private gatherings to resume, and volition end the requirement to evidence proof of vaccination or contempo recovery from the virus when entering shops. Phase 2 on March 4 will terminate the requirement for people to present proof of vaccination or recovery to access restaurants, bars and hotels. Night clubs as well will be allowed to reopen and outdoor events of up to 25,000 people will be able to resume. On March thirty, the final phase will terminate most of the remaining restrictions. Nevertheless, confront masks still will be required on public transportation.

Simply fully vaccinated travelers or those with an essential reason for visiting can enter Frg. Unvaccinated travelers must quarantine for x days upon inflow. Other restrictions vary across the land, depending on regional Covid-xix rates.

Hellenic republic

Hellenic republic has dropped pre-difference testing requirements for vaccinated travelers. However, to exist considered fully vaccinated, visitors must take had a booster shot if their 2nd dose was more than 270 days ago. Masks are required both indoors and outdoors in Greece. The country likewise requires unvaccinated travelers to present a negative PCR examination taken within 48 hours of arrival. Greece has lifted quarantine restrictions for visitors from all Eastward.U. member states, Britain, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia and State of israel. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, non-E.U. members that are office of a European travel pact, are too exempt.

As of Sept. thirteen, 2021, unvaccinated people are banned from certain indoor venues like cafes, restaurants and bars. These rules volition remain in effect until March 31, 2022.

Hong Kong

Offset Feb. 10, hair salons and places of worship must close, and the limit on gatherings will decrease from iv to two people. Gyms, bars and other facilities are already airtight and indoor dining is prohibited after 6 p.m. until Feb. 24. After Feb. 24, vaccine passes will be needed for shopping malls, supermarkets and other venues. Social-distancing measures in Hong Kong also have been extended. This includes the requirement to wear confront masks, administer temperature checks and conduct contract-tracing. Full details can exist constitute hither.

Hong Kong is banning flights from 150 countries and territories starting January. 16 until Feb. 15. Flights from the U.S. and 7 other countries, including Canada, France and Australia, already had been banned since Jan. 9.

The government as well appear that international travel restrictions will exist tightened to exist more in line with the policies of People's republic of china, which will permit for quarantine-free travel between the ii destinations. Details have not still been released. The latest updates on Covid-19 travel measures can be found on the government's website.


India will lift its ban on international flights on March 27. The country'due south borders accept been closed to the majority of strange travelers since March 2020, with the exception of special passenger flights from certain countries nether air-bubble arrangements.


Every bit of Feb. iii, the quarantine period for vaccinated travelers has been reduced from 7 days to five. Unvaccinated travelers must nevertheless quarantine for seven days. Anybody must take a PCR examination upon arrival and the twenty-four hours earlier quarantine ends. To enter Indonesia, travelers must have proof of vaccination and a negative PCR test taken inside 72 hours of divergence. Travelers from Due south Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Republic of zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Eswatini and Nigeria are no longer banned from the country. Indonesia reopened the airport in Bali to international flights from several countries on Oct. 14, including South Korea, People's republic of china, Japan, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates. The facility was closed for more than than a twelvemonth. The government is finalizing the list of countries with direct flights to Bali.


About Covid-xix restrictions were removed on Jan. 22. This includes chapters and social-distancing restrictions for indoor and outdoor gatherings, as well as early endmost times for hospitality and events. Restrictions on nightclubs take also been eased and the work-from-home advisory has been lifted. Covid-19 certificates volition no longer be required for admission to restaurants, bars and other venues. However, the mask mandate will remain in place until February. 28. Confront coverings must exist worn in indoor public spaces, such as shops, restaurants and museums, as well as on public ship.

Vaccinated travelers no longer demand to have a predeparture Covid test before flying to the Emerald Isle. The unvaccinated all the same need a negative PCR event taken within 72 hours of arrival. The latest travel updates can be establish on the government'due south website.


On March 1, Israel will open its borders to unvaccinated travelers. All visitors, regardless of vaccination, must take a PCR exam before difference. A 2nd test is required upon arrival, and travelers must quarantine for upwardly to 24 hours until they receive the test result.

Effective Feb. six, proof of vaccination is no longer needed for restaurants, moving picture theaters, gyms and hotels. Information technology is still mandatory for event venues and nightclubs. Capacity limits have been lifted for events that require proof of vaccination. These rules volition remain in effect until March ane.


Beginning February. 11, face coverings are no longer required to be worn outdoors and the government is discussing lifting the indoor mask mandate on March 31. The country is now requiring FFP2 masks, which offer more protection than cloth or surgical masks, to be worn in theaters and cinemas, as well every bit at sporting events and on public transit. Outdoor events can resume and nightclubs are allowed to reopen at 50 percent capacity indoors and 75 percent capacity outdoors. Unvaccinated people are at present prohibited from entering museums, exhibitions and amusement parks, which they could previously enter with a negative exam. Equally of Dec. 14, all E.U. nationals visiting Italy must provide a negative test both earlier traveling and upon arrival, regardless of vaccination or recovery status. Unvaccinated travelers will also have to quarantine.

A new Green Pass was introduced on Dec. vi merely for people who are vaccinated or who have recovered from Covid-19 within the past nine months. The new pass makes it so the unvaccinated will no longer be able to use public transportation or get to restaurants, bars, theaters, gyms, sporting events and more. Originally set to expire on Jan. 15, the rule was extended until March 31.

Unvaccinated travelers from the United states of america must now quarantine for five days upon arrival in Italy earlier beingness tested for Covid-xix. Fully vaccinated U.Due south. travelers must present proof of vaccination and a negative Covid-xix test taken inside 72 hours of their inflow.

The Italian government has continued to ease Covid-19 mitigation measures and all of the country is now in the white zone, the least restrictive level of Italia's colour-coded map of restrictions. In white zones, the curfew has been lifted and bars and restaurants accept reopened. Merchandise fairs and conferences were allowed to resume as of June 15, 2021, only must comply with safe protocols.


Nihon has announced plans to ease border restrictions on March 1. The number of people allowed into the country each day will increase from 3,500 to 5,000. According to Prime Government minister Fumio Kishida, the country volition also shorten the quarantine fourth dimension for all arrivals from seven days to three days. The rules apply to international students, workers and business travelers; tourists currently are not immune into Japan. Updates on travel guidelines tin be found on the Japan National Tourism Organisation'due south website.

Covid-xix restrictions vary by region. Several areas, including Tokyo, Nagasaki and Chiba, are under tighter restrictions through March 6. In these areas, food and drink establishments that have not been certified in Covid-19 prevention protocols must close for in-person dining at eight p.m. and are not allowed to serve alcohol. Meanwhile, Covid-certified restaurants and bars can stay open until 9 p.yard. Local governments tin can prohibit certified establishments from serving alcohol if at that place is a loftier number of Covid-nineteen cases in the region. Also under the tightened restrictions, event organizers and venues are required to prepare transmission-prevention plans. Venues with a chapters of fewer than twenty,000 people can operate at total capacity if their plan is approved from the local government. Properties with a capacity of more than xx,000 people must limit attendance to 20,000 guests or less.


Some popular tourist destination have begun to implement tighter restrictions. Constructive January. 14, the state of Jalisco, which includes Puerto Vallarta, will require proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test for confined, clubs, concerts and stadiums for people 18 and older. Tlaxcala volition also crave customers to be vaccinated for hotels, shopping centers, supermarkets and taquerias.

The U.Southward.-Mexico land border was reopened for nonessential travelers who are fully vaccinated on Nov. eight. They also have to provide a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours of traveling to the U.S. Mexican travelers are also allowed to enter the state via ferry as long equally they have proof of inoculation. As of January, essential travelers crossing the edge are required to be fully vaccinated. Air travel from Mexico to the U.S. is currently immune with proof of vaccination and a negative PCR examination taken within 72 hours prior to deviation.

The Mexican Ministry building of Tourism has implemented the Clear Indicate Quality Seal certification system to indicate restaurants, bars, hotels and other tourism providers that are post-obit the highest safety protocols.


Morocco lifted the suspension of all incoming flights on Feb. 7. Travelers must provide proof of vaccination and a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours of deviation.

The Netherlands

First March 23, travelers flying from the European Matrimony or Schengen area to the Netherlands volition not have to provide proof of vaccination. Additionally, the digital Covid-19 pass will no longer be needed to enter nightclubs and big events, and confront masks will no longer be required on public transit. Face up coverings are yet required on airplanes and backside security screening at airports.

Equally of Feb. 18, bars and restaurants are allowed to stay open until 1 a.m. Sporting events and theaters tin can operate at full capacity, and nightclubs have reopened with a testing requirement. Effective Feb. 2, travelers who received a booster shot at least seven days prior to entering kingdom of the netherlands are exempt from the quarantine dominion. Those who have not gotten the booster however must quarantine for 10 days upon arrival.

The Netherlands is open to fully vaccinated travelers outside of the European union. Those coming from very high-risk areas must also show proof of a negative Covid-19 test result. Details on entry restrictions can be constitute on the government's website.

New Zealand

Tourists from Australia will now be able to visit New Zealand beginning April 12, sooner than previously announced. Travelers from visa-waiver countries, including the United States, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and Canada, tin enter the country get-go May 1. Visitors volition non have to self-isolate, although they must be vaccinated and take to test negative before departure and after inflow.

The government has appear a five-step plan to reopen New Zealand's borders. Effective March 2, inoculated travelers no longer have to self-quarantine for seven days upon arrival. They still need to exam negative earlier traveling and later arriving in New Zealand. Start Feb. 27, stage ane immune fully vaccinated residents and eligible travelers from Commonwealth of australia to enter the country.

Nether phase 2, the borders reopened to fully vaccinated New Zealanders and eligible travelers from around the world on March 13. Skilled workers and travelers on working holiday-scheme visas are also immune entry. Phase three will brainstorm on April 12, at which time Australian citizens, offshore temporary visa holders and up to 5,000 international students will be allowed into the state if they are fully inoculated. International visitors who are fully vaccinated and practise not need a visa will be immune in beginning May 1. In July, under phase four, the borders will reopen to travelers arriving under the Accredited Employer Work Visa categories.

The final stage is expected to take identify in October, when the edge will reopen to visitors from anywhere in the world and all visa categories will resume. Full details and the latest updates on travel and Covid-19 can be found on the government'southward Unite Confronting Covid-nineteen website.

Meanwhile, New Zealand has transitioned to a traffic-light system that provides more freedoms for vaccinated residents. At the carmine level, restaurants, confined and nightclubs can stay open only guests must have a vaccine passport to enter. Events can likewise go ahead with sure restrictions. Gatherings without a vaccine passport requirement are limited to no more than than 25 people, while events that practise crave vaccine passports can have upwards to 100 guests. At the orange level, businesses that choose to follow the vaccine-laissez passer requirements tin can operate with no capacity restrictions. At the light-green level, everything tin can be open but some restrictions might use to businesses that do not require vaccines passes. Currently, the whole country is at the red level.


As of Feb. 12, masks are no longer required in crowded places and social-distancing rules take been lifted. Self-isolation requirements also take been replaced with a recommendation that infected people stay dwelling for four days. Norway dropped its quarantine rule for unvaccinated travelers on Jan. 26. However, they still must get tested before deviation and upon arrival. On Jan. thirteen, Kingdom of norway reversed its ban on selling alcohol in restaurants and confined, although sales must stop at 11 p.m. Larn more than at the government's folio on Covid-19 restrictions.


Starting Feb. 10, international tourists and business travelers from more than than 150 countries are allowed to enter the Philippines for the kickoff time in well-nigh ii years. Fully vaccinated travelers do not have to quarantine in government-designated centers if they exam negative prior to arrival. The regime had previously planned to open borders on Dec. 1, but postponed it due to the Omicron variant.


Vaccinated tourists do not accept to provide a negative test to enter Portugal. Nightclubs and bars reopened on January. 14, and a negative Covid-19 test is required for entry. A negative Covid-19 test is also required for entry to business events, cultural shows, sporting events, tourist attractions and local accommodations.

A mask mandate is in identify for all indoor spaces, and digital vaccination certificates are currently required for entry to bars, clubs, hotels and seated events. Details on the latest gathering and travel restrictions can be found on Visit Portugal's website.


Scotland lifted most of its remaining Covid-xix restrictions on January. 24. Nightclubs are allowed to reopen, big indoor events can resume and the social distancing rules were dropped. Restrictions on outdoor events were lifted on January. 17. However, face up coverings are still required in public indoor settings and on public transportation. In improver, Covid passport requirements volition remain in place for entry to nightclubs, unseated indoor events with 500 people or more, unseated outdoor events with 4,000 people or more, and all events with 10,000 people or more. Attendees must show proof of full vaccination or nowadays a negative rapid/PCR test taken within 24 hours.

Details and updates can be found on Visit Scotland's website. Travel restrictions have been lifted in coordination with England and the rest of the U.K.


As of March fifteen, there is no capacity limit for events with a mask requirement and less than 1,000 people. Events with 1,000 people or more are express to 50 percent capacity of the venue. The latest Covid-19 guidelines can exist found on the Ministry of Health'southward website.

The government delayed the launch of new vaccinated-passenger travel lanes due to the Omicron variant. Some vaccinated travel lanes are already in upshot, allowing inoculated travelers from Malaysia, Canada, the United States and a handful of other destinations to enter Singapore without quarantining. Nevertheless, users of those lanes must even so complete a PCR examination before difference, on arrival, on day three and on twenty-four hours seven.

Upshot organizers must submit their plans to the Singapore Tourism Board for approving, and adhere to specific risk-mitigation measures. The Singapore Tourism Board has launched the SG Clean initiative to audit the sanitation practices of all types of facilities; those who put the measures in place will earn a certification from the STB.

South Africa

Every bit of Feb. 1, anyone without Covid-19 symptoms can live life "normally." Fifty-fifty those who take been exposed to the virus, but are asymptomatic, do not need to get tested or isolate. For those who do have symptoms, the isolation period has been shortened from 10 to vii days. Schools can now operate as they did before the pandemic, with no social-distancing requirements. Face masks are still required in public spaces and on public ship. The government has made these changes now that the population has such a loftier level of immunity: Near fourscore percent of Due south Africans have been vaccinated and/or take recovered from Covid-nineteen.


Spain lifted its outdoor mask mandate on Feb 10. Covid-19 restrictions vary by region, although social-distancing and mask mandates remain in place for all public indoor spaces. In Madrid, a night curfew has been lifted and hotels, restaurants and confined can operate at full capacity. Cultural venues, such as museums and theaters, no longer take capacity limits.

On June 7, Spain opened its borders to vaccinated travelers from the U.South. and most of the world. In addition, non-vaccinated travelers from the European union'due south 27 fellow member nations are allowed entry with proof of a negative Covid-nineteen test result.


Sweden lifted nearly all Covid-19 measures on Feb. 9, including restrictions on public and individual gatherings, leisure venues, sports, restaurants and more than. The requirement to wear face up masks on public transportation and the piece of work-from-home informational also was removed. Withal, the ban on nonessential travel to Sweden from countries outside the Eu/EEA volition remain in upshot until March 31. Details on travel restrictions and exemptions tin can be constitute on the regime's website.


Switzerland lifted nearly Covid-19 restrictions on February. 17. Face coverings and Covid-19 certificates are no longer required in restaurants, cinemas and event venues. The permit requirement for large events has been eliminated. The work-from-home advisory also has been lifted. The remaining restrictions, which require people to isolate later a positive exam and wear masks on public transportation, will be lifted on March 31. Travel details and updates can be found on Switzerland Tourism's website.


Thailand eased entry requirements for vaccinated travelers from all countries beginning Feb. 1. The country's "Test and Go" programme was reinstated, this time requiring visitors to undergo two PCR tests after arrival. They have to accept a PCR test on the first solar day and wait results in their hotel room. Visitors don't take to quarantine if the kickoff test is negative, but they must take some other examination 5 days later and look those results at their hotel, as well. They must also download a tracking app.

Unvaccinated travelers must nowadays a negative PCR exam taken within 72 hours of difference, take another PCR examination upon inflow and quarantine for 10 days. The latest updates can be found on Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

United Arab Emirates

As of February. 26, fully vaccinated international travelers do not accept to provide a negative PCR test upon inflow. Unvaccinated people can visit the UAE, merely must present a negative PCR examination taken within 48 hours of departure. Physical-distancing requirements accept been eliminated in public spaces. Masks remain mandatory indoors, simply are optional outdoors.

Events can be held without chapters limits.

All citizens and residents of Abu Dhabi must testify proof of a booster shot to be considered fully vaccinated, and must maintain green status on the government's health app. Even so, the new rule does not apply to international tourists, who must exist vaccinated just exercise not need a booster shot to enter the urban center-country.

The latest updates on travel and Covid-19 restrictions tin can be found on the government's website.

United states of america Virgin Islands

As of March 7, fully vaccinated domestic travelers can submit proof of vaccination to enter the U.Due south. Virgin Islands. Unvaccinated visitors from the U.s. however must provide a negative PCR or rapid Covid test taken within 5 days of arrival. International travelers are required to have both proof of vaccination and a negative test.


Vietnam dropped its quarantine requirements for international visitors on March 16. Visitors now only demand to provide a negative Covid-19 exam prior to inflow. Vietnam lifted all restrictions on international flights on Feb. 15, restoring the prepandemic schedule.


Source: https://www.northstarmeetingsgroup.com/coronavirus-countries-cities-reopening-COVID-19-new-cases

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