How to Read 3 Bytes as Int
In this Python tutorial, nosotros will learn how to read a binary file in python, and also we will encompass these topics:
- How to read a binary file to an assortment in Python
- How to read a binary file into a byte array in Python
- How to read a binary file line by line in Python
- Python read a binary file to Ascii
- How to read a binary file into a NumPy array in Python
- How to read a binary file into CSV in Python
Python read a binary file
Hither, we will come across how to read a binary file in Python.
- Before reading a file we accept to write the file. In this example, I take opened a file using file = open("certificate.bin","wb") and used the "wb" mode to write the binary file.
- The document.bin is the name of the file.
- I accept taken a variable every bit a judgement and assigned a sentence "This is good", To decode the sentence, I have used judgement = bytearray("This is good".encode("ascii")).
- And to write the judgement in the file, I have used the file.write() method.
- The write() is used to write the specified text to the file. And then to close the file, I have used the file.close().
Instance to write the file:
file = open("document.bin","wb") judgement = bytearray("This is proficient".encode("ascii")) file.write(judgement) file.close()
- To read the file, I have taken the already created file certificate.bin and used the "rb" mode to read the binary file.
- The document.bin is the file proper noun. And, I have using the read() method. The read() method returns the specified number of bytes from the file.
Instance to read the file:
file = open("certificate.bin","rb") print( file.close()
In this output, yous tin encounter that I have used print( Here, from the sentence, information technology volition read only iv words. Every bit shown in the output.

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Python read a binary file to an array
Here, we tin can come across how to read a binary file to an assortment in Python.
- In this example, I have opened a file as assortment.bin and used the "wb" mode to write the binary file. The assortment.bin is the name of the file.
- And assigned an array equally num=[two,four,6,eight,10] to get the assortment in byte converted format, I take used bytearray(). The bytearray() method returns the byte array objects.
- To writes the assortment in the file, I have used the file.write(). And file.close() to close the file.
Example to write an array to the file:
file=open("array.bin","wb") num=[two,iv,6,eight,10] assortment=bytearray(num) file.write(assortment) file.shut()
- To read the written array from the file, I have used the aforementioned file i.e,file=open("array.bin","rb").
- The "rb" mode is used to read the array from the file.
- The list() function is used to create the list object number=list( The is used to read the bytes from the file.
- The is used to read-only 3 numbers from the assortment. The file.close() is used to close the file.
Example to read an array from the file:
file=open("array.bin","rb") number=list( print (number) file.close()
To go the output, I take used print(number). And to close the file, I take used file.shut(). In the beneath screenshot you can see the output.

- How to Convert Python cord to byte array with Examples
- Python Assortment with Examples
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Python read a binary file into a byte assortment
Now, we tin see how to read a binary file into a byte array in Python.
- In this example, I have opened a file chosen sonu.bin and "rb" mode is used to read a binary file, and sonu.bin is the proper name of the file. Here, I have stored some information in the sonu.bin file.
- The byte = is used to read the file, and is used to read only 3 bytes from the file.
- The while loop is used to read and iterate all the bytes from the file.
file = open("sonu.bin", "rb") byte = while byte: print(byte) byte =
To read the byte from the file, I take used print(byte). Yous can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Python read a binary file line by line
Hither, we tin meet how to read a binary file line by line in Python.
- In this example, I have taken a line every bit lines=["Welcome to python guides\north"] and open a file named as file=open("document1.txt","wb") document1.txt is the filename.
- The "wb" is the mode used to write the binary files. The file.writelines(lines) is used to write the lines from the file.
- The writelines() returns the sequence of cord to the file. The file.close() method is used to close the file.
Example to write the file:
lines=["Welcome to python guides\n"] file=open("document1.txt","wb") file.writelines(lines) file.close()
- To read the written file, I accept used the same filename as document1.txt, I take used file=open("document1.txt","rb") to open up the file, "rb" style is used to read the binary file and, To read the line from the file I have used line=file.readline().
- The readline() returns one line from the file.
Case to read the file:
file=open("document1.txt","rb") line=file.readline() print(line) file.close()
To get the output, print(line) is used and lastly to close the file, I have used file.close().

Python read a binary file to Ascii
At present, we can run into how to read a binary file to Ascii in Python.
- In this example, I have opened a file named test.bin using file = open up('test.bin', 'wb'), The 'wb' mode is used to write the binary file and I have taken a variable as a sentence and assigned a judgement = 'Hello Python'. To encode the judgement.
- I have used file_encode = sentence.encode('ASCII'). To write the encoded sentence in the file, I have used the file.write(file_encode).
- The method returns the new position. To read the written file, I have used the which returns a byte from the file.
- And so to catechumen the binary sentence into Ascii, I have used new_sentence = bdata. decode('ASCII').
file = open('examination.bin', 'wb') judgement = 'Hullo Python' file_encode = sentence.encode('ASCII') file.write(file_encode) bdata = print('Binary sentence', bdata) new_sentence = bdata.decode('ASCII') print('ASCII sentence', new_sentence)
To become the output as an encoded sentence, I accept used impress('ASCII sentence', new_sentence). You tin can refer to the beneath screenshot for the output.

Python read a binary file into a NumPy assortment
Here, we can run across how to read a binary file into a numpy array in Python.
- In this case, I have imported a module called NumPy. The array = np.array([ii,8,7]) is used to create an array, The .tofile is used to write all the assortment to the file. The array.bin is the name of the binary file.
- The np.fromfile is used to construct an array from the information in the file. The dtype=np.int8 is the datatype object. The output of the assortment changes if we change np.int8 to int32 or int64.
import numpy as np array = np.array([2,eight,vii]).tofile("assortment.bin") print(np.fromfile("array.bin", dtype=np.int8))
To get the output, I take used print(np.fromfile("array.bin", dtype=np.int8)). The below screenshot shows the output.

Python read a binary file into CSV
Here, nosotros tin can meet how to read binary file into csv in Python.
- In this example, I have imported a module called CSV. The CSV module is a comma-separated value module. It is used to read and write tabular data in CSV format.
- I have opened a file called lock.bin and "west" mode is used to write the file writer = is used to write the objects in the file. The lock.bin is the name of the file.
- The writer() returns the write object which converts data into a string.
- The author.writerows is used to write all the rows into the file. To close the file, f.close() is used.
Example to write the csv file:
import csv f = open up("lock.bin", "w") writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows([["a", 1], ["b", two], ["c", 3], ["d",4]]) f.close()
To read the CSV file, I have opened the file lock.bin in which data is already written, The 'r' mode is used to read the file. To read the CSV file, I take used reader = csv.reader(file) to render a listing of rows from the file.
Example to read the csv file:
import csv with open('lock.bin', 'r') equally file: reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: impress(row)
To go the output I have used print(row). The beneath screenshot shows the output.

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In this tutorial we have learned about Python read a binary file, besides we have covered these topics:
- Python read a binary file to an array
- Python read a binary file into a byte array
- Python read a binary file line by line
- Python read a binary file to Ascii
- Python read a binary file into a NumPy array
- Python read a binary file into CSV
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