Mighty Magiswords Play That Song Again


Vambre and Prohyas: Warriors for rent!

Mighty Magiswords is a Cartoon Network evidence past Kyle Carrozza, co-creator of Frog Raccoon Strawberry. It was also the first original Drawing Network series to be available exclusively on the Internet, before it became a goggle box serial.

Fast-paced, hammy and very, very silly, the show follows Prohyas and Vambre, a Brother–Sister Team of "Warriors for Hire", who go on hilarious adventures and crazy quests to collect magical swords.

The series is bachelor to watch online hither, besides as on the Drawing Network app, Drawing Network Anything, and the Magimobile app.

The Corking Luke Ski works on the show equally a storyboard artist, writer, and voice actor. Ninja Sex Party (yes, THE Ninja Sex Party) sang the theme song.

While starting off with a strong showing, Cartoon Network billowy the show around its schedule and delayed airings hurt information technology'due south ratings. Ultimately the serial was cancelled in 2018 afterwards two seasons, with the rest of the episodes kicked back onto the streaming service till the series concluded in Baronial of the same year with 92 episodes. Though the remaining episodes did eventually air on the network in a burn off fashion.

At the examples section, TROPE!

  • Absurdly Long Stairway: One appears in the suitably named ep "Stairways & Spiders". This became a problem as the Warriors found it hard to fight on uneven ground, which the stairway spider uses to (and proclaims as) her Home Field Advantage.
    • Another appears in the Season 1 penultimate episode, at the vault where the Legendary Knowledge Magisword is kept. Prohyas asks the Narrator to Bound Cut to them at the elevation, which he obliges. At that place also turned out to be an elevator, which Glori used to go there first and merits the sword.
  • Activeness Mom: Kablammica Warrior, Prohyas and Vambre's mother, was apparently a famous warrior. The 5 minute episode "Flashback Farms" shows the daily lifestyle of their parents. Norman talks to Kablammica that it's clear that the kids got their hazard animalism from her, and wishes in that location was something he could practise to have them respect broccoli farming. Kablammica reassures Norman that she wanted to settle down and work with him on the farm, but there's not much they tin can practise almost their kids.
  • Adventure-Friendly World: Lyvsheria, there are kingdoms similar Rhyboflaven which has its own burger joint with broccoli as its own export.
  • Aerith and Bob: There's odd names like Prohyas, Vambre, and Zange forth with normal names similar Phil and Steve. Lampshaded in "Stairways & Spiders", where a giant spider named Teri says that Prohyas and Vambre's names sound made upwards.
  • All Webbed Up: The Spider Web Magisword is able to shoot spider webs.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Parodied in "No Robots For Quondam Men" where Old Homo Oldman unleashes his secret weapon: Robopiggeh (a mediocre monster the Warriors already shell) with Grup (the cutest, well-nigh harmless dragon e'er) duct-taped to his side.
  • Anachronism Stew: The setting is Medieval overall, but it has fast food joints, burgers, robots, smartphones, refrigerators made of wood, a couple of episodes involve vlogs, and the 5 minute brusk "Can I Proceed It?" starts with the Warriors giving a pair of gold-tinted sunglasses to a living tree DJ for the WDDF radio station. Prohyas has no idea what a radio or what a bumper that a bumper sticker goes on is. Played for comedic result in the case of the last one (which also mentions barbecues).

    Hooded Lady: I've gotta exist ready in time for my drive-fourth dimension show! I got traffic and weather on the 8, buddy!

    • According to Discussion of God, most of the technology shown comes from Galacton.
  • Ancestral Weapon: In i Vlog, Vambre admits that the tomato magisword was given to her by her female parent and in another, it's revealed that the dolphin magisword was too given to Prohyas by his mother.
  • Fine art Shift: Though he'd used Adobe Wink in his earliest piece of work, this is Kyle Carrozza's first projection created for television to be fully digitally animated as opposed to traditionally with digital coloring.
  • Ascended Meme: There is a running joke in the Magiswords fanbase that the serial is a Western version of Slayers. The Japanese division of Drawing Network seems to concur, and even aired a dorsum to back marathon of both series one year.
  • Set on Backfire: When Prohyas used a magisword that forced a group of pirates to clap uncontrollably, the pirates retaliated by using their clapping hands to slap him.
  • Audible Sharpness: All magiswords produce this noise when fatigued or even moved quickly despite the fact that almost none of them even have bladed edges.
  • Writer Entreatment: Accordion music shows up a lot. Kyle Carrozza himself plays the accordion.
  • Crawly, but Impractical: Is Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Arrow Magisword actually more useful than a regular light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation pointer? (The answer is aye, as it WILL distract whatever and all types of cats, including Gateaux and wild jungle cats. It also summons them).
  • Bad-Guy Bar: The Wobblin' Goblin in Keel Haul Cove is an honest soft drink institution. All the citizens of the town are pirates (fifty-fifty the well mannered and completely reasonable mayor), so the most that the pirates exercise within the bar itself is cause a footling flake of teasing of outside patrons. When Prohyas and Vambre actually starting time a fight, the bartender casually walks through the Big Ball of Violence and tosses them out without farther issue.
  • Bag of Holding: Prohyas and Vambre keep their magiswords in tiny pouches on their belts. The magiswords themselves are tiny until used, though.
  • Bait-and-Switch: At the end of "Flonk Stakes", the Mt. Ma'all security baby-sit pulls this on Flonk— who is tearful his eyes out after being bested by the Warriors— by offering him a lollipop to calm him downwards.

    Security: Now come on, sonny, yous demand to end all this weepin'. I know what y'all need.
    Flonk: Does this mean I get to get free?
    Security: Hehe, son. Abso-NOPE. You're going to jail.

  • Balloonacy: In "Suitable Armor" Vambre tries to bladder up a tree with a helium animal balloon in order to relieve a true cat. Unfortunately, her balloon gets popped by 1 of the tree branches.
  • Battle Boomerang: The Boomerang Magisword is a giant boomerang on a sword hilt. It averts Precision-Guided Boomerang because the wielder has to manually reattach the boomerang to the hilt if it gets lodged in a wall or other obstruction.
  • Beach Episode: "Pool Fools". Afterwards finding their new local pool to be lame the Warrior siblings get to the dinosaur swimming pool to swim and selection fights with dinosaurs. And they stay in their swimsuits the whole time.
  • Bee Bee Gun: The Beehive Magisword can summon bees along with honey and honeycombs.
  • Bellisario's Maxim: Invoked by Prohyas in his vlog almost the Dolphin magisword that he has to feed her twice a day. He says he doesn't want to think of the logic backside feeding a sword, and recommends that the audience doesn't retrieve about the logic behind any of it either.
  • Berserk Push: Don't call Witchy Simone "Squirt".
  • Bewitched Amphibians:
    • Helmut ends upwardly turned into a frog at one point and remains that fashion for the rest of his appearances, not that he minds it.
    • "Warts and All" has Vambre turned into a frog by mistake when Witchy Simone tries to mash medicine to help Male monarch Rexxtopher with his indigestion. The rest of the episode focuses on Prohyas and Witchy Simone trying to brew a potion that volition render Vambre to normal while oblivious of Vambre's attempts at pointing out to them that the required ingredients are nearby (unlike Helmut, Vambre is unable to talk in frog grade and tin can only ribbit).
  • Bling-Bling-Blindside!: The Bling Bling Magisword looks like information technology's fabricated out of diamonds and shoots out gems big and pocket-size. Per Magimobile'due south description:

    This Magisword covers things with sparkly baubles to make them await more valuable. At present you can look rich without all the hassle of existence rich!

  • Blood Knight: The Warrior siblings dearest battle and adventuring. Mundane tasks similar yardwork and unclogging sinks bore them so much that they're actually glad when monsters show upwards.


    • It should be noted that of the two, Vambre is more willing to go into fights than Prohyas.
  • A Encarmine Mess: Prohyas fools Penny Plasm by using the Tomato Magisword to fake his expiry and convince her to go upstairs to discover his ghost.

    Prohyas: His ghost is upstairs. I am merely Showroom A.

  • Accident Y'all Away: The Accident Dryer Magisword's main purpose is to produce a warm gust of wind that blows things away and melts water ice.
  • Bottle Episode: All of the Vlog shorts. It is usually Prohyas in front of the camera in his firm. Cameos are usually only past people who share Prohyas's VA, and only takes nearly iii minutes.
  • Breadstuff, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: Grup invents a Portmanteau this style in "Phil'south in the House", and uses it again in "Cleanliness is Next to Grupliness":

    Grup: This is bad, and weird. This is beird!
    You guys accept been acting beird all day!

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • "Pool Fools" reveal that Prohyas and Vambre are aware of the announcer.

    Prohyas: Y'all tin can hear him, too!?

    • In "The Tome of Morrow", Noville joins with Vambre to practise a Super Teamwork Philharmonic. The narrator calls out how his Swishblade Magisword has been out all episode.
    • A few of the season two episodes like "The Lanolion Sleeps This evening" and "Forever a Fishstick" has the Warrior siblings aware of the episode their in.
  • Brother–Sis Team: The ii protagonists. Vambre is the eldest of the two.
  • Buffy Speak: in "Elect to Decline" Lady Hiss narrates a flashback (and voices all of the involved characters) like this.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: As goofy and foolish the Warriors are, they get the job washed.
  • By the Eyes of the Blind: It's revealed that zombie pumpkin magisword (and anyone who has been given his eyes) tin can encounter ghostly apparitions. The newt is oddly okay with this.
  • Calling Your Attacks:
    • When a magisword is used, an journalist shouts its name. In "Working For Scales", the Warriors become dog-piled upon by dinosaurs, and you hear a muffled "MUSCLY ARM MAGISWORD" coming from underneath. This suggests the names are being chosen from the magiswords themselves.
    • The Warriors themselves sometimes go in on this, peculiarly when they use a Super Teamwork Combo.
    • "Gut Feelings" has some fun with this, suggesting that the users can imprint onto the magiswords themselves.
      • When Kablammica uses her Stirring Spoon magisword, it takes on her mannerisms.


      • Vambre uses the Footprint magisword to seek out Hoppus' thief, information technology whispers.

      Footprint magisword, don't wake the sleeping bunny!

      • Hoppus combines all his vegetable swords in a fit of rage.


  • The Cameo:
    • "Gotta Become Grup to Get Down" provides a cavalcade of cameos of pretty much every major character from previous episodes and the shorts. This is Lampshaded when Vambre mentions the "Veronica Victorious and the Gratis Cameo" book, immediately followed by Robopiggeh leaving the business firm with a sandwich.
    • In "Keeper of the Mask", the eponymous Keeper himself grabs some popcorn seemingly out of nowhere while watching Vambre's desperate attempts at using the Mask Magisword. Vambre asks where he got information technology, and he says "Popcorn Store." In "Fiddling Sword of Horrors", you tin see the Keeper of the Mask eating popcorn outside of the Popcorn Store at Mt. Ma'all.
  • Cartoon Flop: The Trivial Blue Bomb Magisword shoots out little blueish explosive bombs.
  • Chainsaw Skillful: The Chainsaw Magisword, which is the closest thing to a traditional sword that the Warriors use.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: While the Warriors primarily rely on their magiswords, they are no slouch when information technology comes to athleticism. They are able to spring over buildings and are strong enough to punt trees.
  • Cobweb of Disuse: "Share and Share Dislike" starts with the Warriors sitting on their couch, completely bored out of their minds. There are cobwebs all over both of them, with the spider dangling from a thread off Prohyas' hair.
  • Collector of the Strange: Charabanc' house is packed with antiquarian wares and he oft goes shopping for more.
  • Combination Assault: The Warriors' Super Teamwork Combos Once per Episode, in which they combine two (or more) their magiswords' powers to create more powerful attacks. For example, using the Dolphin magisword with the Oinkus Oinkus magisword creates a pig-shaped tidal moving ridge chosen Hogwash.
  • Companion Cube: Characters that collect magiswords, similar most hobbyists, tend to become emotionally attached to them. It helps that some of them can actually communicate, nevertheless limited it may be.
  • Compelling Phonation: Attractive Voice Magisword! It has the power to sooth and compel anyone it talks to.
  • Catholic Retcon: All of the original 3-minute shorts that seemingly have no continuity really did happen. It's revealed that Nohyas used the Selective Retentiveness magisword to erase the Warrior's memories of sure points in their life similar when Vambre set their farm on burn down with the Lycopersicon esculentum magisword, when they got the Bedrock magisword from a cavern where they met Prug, and most of their time spent at the Adventurer University.
  • Couch Gag: In every episode of the TV series, the intro ends with Grup doing something different (falling from the sky, launching himself in the air, pulling downward the bear witness's championship, etc.).
  • Crazy-Prepared: Thank you to their huge collection of magiswords, Prohyas and Vambre accept a magisword for almost any state of affairs.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Magiswords are usually only adept for one specific function, and few can exist used equally, well, actual swords.
  • Crossover: With OK Yard.O.! Let's Exist Heroes in it'due south final episode in which the Warriors abduct Rad from his universe to have an adventure with them. He fifty-fifty gains a Magisword at the end of the ep.
  • Dance Party Ending: "Working Grup" ends with the Warriors and Grup's friends from the Cave of Stuff dancing like the Peanuts gang from the Christmas Special.
  • Subversive Savior: Collateral harm is a common complaint from the Warriors' clients.
  • Different in Every Episode: At the start of most episodes, the narrator starts by bombastically announcing the setting that the story begins with, followed past a random quip.

    At Warriors For Hire headquarters, OH Aye!
    At the Rhyboflavin Bazaar, Nail SHAKALAKA!
    At Ralphio's House of Swords, BLAM!
    At Warriors For Hire headquarters, AND Y'all DON'T STOP!
    At Warriors For Hire headquarters, WHAT WHAAAAT!
    At Old Human being Oldman'south old dwelling house, OLD!
    Somewhere in Rhyboflaven, VAGUE!

    • "Potion in the Ocean" has some fun with this 1, past delaying the journalist after the episode starts with a scene involving Witchy Simone before going to the Warriors themselves.

    OH, By THE WAY! We're at Warriors For Hire headquarters, LIMBURGER!

  • Difficulty Levels: Its reveal that dungeons work on this system. The Cavern of Stuff is the admitted newbie cave for adventurers, where the employees practically hold your paw to lead y'all to the treasure. Level 2 dungeons present bodily threats, albeit ones that aren't designed to pose an actual threat to your life, but can still hurt.
  • Discontinuity Nod: In "Working Grup", Grup introduces the Warriors to his coworkers at the Cave of Stuff, including his older brother Prug. Prug mentions that he remembers meeting them in a cave once, but the two have no recollection of that ever happening. This is a reference to the original airplane pilot brusque "To Boulderly Go", where the two detect Prug within a cave, guarding the Boulder magisword. While the original 3 minute shorts do explain how some magiswords came to be (like Oinkus-Oinkus), as well as Vambre's dislike of pants, they're generally considered not role of the continuity due to Early Installment Weirdness.
  • Unimposing Dining Disposal: Prohyas and Vambre avoid eating their mother's cooking past discretely feeding it to Zombie Pumpkin Magisword.
  • Dishing Out Dirt:
    • The Boulder Magisword is able create large boulders.
    • The aptly named Clay Magisword is only able to summon dirt and earthworms. Prohyas really finds it quite useful with a little bit of ingenuity.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Ironically from a magisword with the name 'Taunting Jester' in it.
  • Dumbass DJ: A adequately tame and kid-friendly case exists in the form of "Tree-J and the Wolf", who run the WDDF radio station located in the Deepest Darkest Woods. Tree-J talks similar an obnoxious Large Ham DJ but is otherwise harmless and generous with giving out prizes (and a prank Cartoon Bomb in Prohyas' case,) but "The Wolf" is the worst part of the ii of them. The Wolf is prone to sneaking up behind characters and unleashing a barrage of air horns just to make things extra annoying. It'due south suggested that the Golden Spectacles that Tree-J wears is what gives him his personality, because when the Mysterious Hooded Woman puts them on in "Bark Attack", she starts acting similar i herself.
  • Early Installment Weirdness:
    • In the original three-minute shorts, Grup had a deadpan, monotone voice and was larger than a human. In the newer five-minute shorts, Grup has a happier, goofier vox and is much smaller than a human. "Cleanliness Side by side to Grupliness" reveals that these two are entirely dissimilar dragons, the larger 1 being named Prug.
    • Some of the magiswords take been made a bit more powerful than they were in the three-infinitesimal shorts. For example, the Celery magisword tin can now shoot out celery of any size while it previously could only brand things smell like celery. A vlog nigh information technology handwaves this past revealing that the warriors didn't know the Celery magisword could shoot out celery till Prohyas accidentally shot some up at the ceiling while doing the vlog.
    • The narrator was generally slower to announce magiswords, and wasn't as flatulent equally he's been in the 5 minute shorts and full episodes.
    • Vambre's vocalization sounds odd in "The Land Before Slime". Whether it was Gray Delisle or a dissimilar extra, her voice just sounds... off compared to the shorts that happen before and after it.
  • Earworm: Happens in "Play that Song Again", where Vambre can't get Prohyas' catchy song out of her head. Her encephalon is even infected with literal worms.
  • Edible Ammunition: Almost every food-based magisword. Prohyas mentions that while the foodstuffs are delicious to consume, they contain no nutritional or caloric value considering they're made of magic, although Prohyas can benefit from the caffeine buzz thank you to the Cuppa Joe Magisword.
    • The Excaliburger Magisword creates burgers with helicopter blades on tiptop that tin can be eaten.
    • The Salary Magisword shoots out bacon strips.
    • The Carrot Magisword can shoot carrot chips.
    • The Celery Magisword tin make things smell like celery, as well as launch giant stalks of celery. The sheer size of the stalks are used for other purposes as well nutrient.
    • Cuppa Joe Magisword can make any kind of coffee you tin retrieve of, often supplying the mug or cup in the process.
    • Dairy Production Magisword tin brand milk-based nutrient. Milk, yogurt, butter, ice cream, etc.
    • Behemothic Egg Magisword shoots out giant eggs, and the user tin can choose how to set them as they wish. It isn't limited to chicken eggs, either.
    • The Pancake Magisword makes pancakes in whatever way you want them prepared.
    • The Waffle Magisword, similar the Pancake, tin create waffles in any way you desire them prepared. Extra ingredients similar fruit included.
    • The Love apple Magisword tin can launch tomatoes at enemies. The Queen of Loch Mess makes fun for them trying to attack her with bacon and tomatoes.

    Queen: What are you going to do, make a BLT? Where'southward your Lettuce Magisword?
    Prohyas: It's on back-order.

  • Eldritch Location: Possibly Transylberia. It is home to many supernatural creatures, such as Snowmanpires and Long Underwerewolves. Information technology's where the Warriors found the Zombie Pumpkin Magisword.
    • Arid Faceland has a literal giant face, with the Warrior stating that if information technology were to awake it would cause disaster for Lyvsheria.
  • Empathic Weapon: Some magiswords appear to be sentient, fifty-fifty the ones that tin can't talk. In the vlog showing off the Excaliburger magisword, Prohyas notes that the magisword is making more burgers than normal and assumes that information technology'due south showing off for the camera.
  • End-of-Series Sensation: This lampshades in the final episode "Let's Squad Up Because We Aren't Bad Friends" has the Warriors' friends of a sudden losing interest in the adventuring life and the siblings trying to find someone who they can nonetheless piece of work with. Ultimately, they accept the nature of things and head back dwelling house as the sun sets.

    Prohyas: Ah gee whiz, is that the dusk nosotros're ridin' into?
    Vambre: I am afraid so, dear brother.
    Prohyas: Welp, we had a good run.

  • Even Evil Has Standards: In "For the Love of Narwhal!" Pickle C. laughs at Vambre's attempts to set on him with the ineffective Darlin' Narwhal Magisword, but when Vambre yells at Narwhal for being useless and makes it weep he calls her out for information technology and gives her a pummeling.
  • Evil Counterpart: Nohyas to Prohyas.
  • Evil Is Piddling: Witch Style, especially Morbidia, love to become petty revenge on the siblings.
  • Evolving Weapon: The Warriors sometimes discover new abilities for their magiswords as they larn more than near them, usually by accident.
  • Expository Theme Tune: Warriors for rent are hither, Mighty Magiswords! It's their name and career, Mighty Magiswords!
  • Expy: Vambre and Prohyas resemble Lina Inverse (if she wore a leotard and no pants) and Gourry Gabriev.
  • Eye of Newt: The concluding ingredient of Witchy Simone'south potion, with her pointing out how platitude it is.
  • The Faceless: The Mysterious Hooded Adult female keeps herself subconscious under a hooded robe. Not only that, her arms are covered in long sleeves and gloves so no inch of her pare is showing.
  • Fanservice: Some episodes have the Warriors showing off their able-bodied bods in revealing swimsuits for diverse reasons.
  • Fantasy Helmet Enforcement: Vambre and Princess Zange inexplicably get life jackets for a boat ride that lasts all of fifteen seconds.
  • Failed a Spot Bank check: In the Season 1 penultimate episode, ane of the returning students fails to detect an assembled monster underneath her until her colleagues bespeak information technology out.
  • Forced Sleep: The Sleeping Dragon Magisword tin can make targets autumn asleep.
  • Franken-10: In that location is a Dummystein Magisword, which has the advent of a ventriloquist dummy Frankenstein monster.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Lampshaded by the gag itself in "The Desolation of Grup." During the contest, Vambre uses the Snowball magisword to shoot some empty cans off a log. The cans are "Beeeanz", "Slug in a Can", "Nutrition H.P", "Mushroom Mush" and "Freeze Frame Gags For Nerds!"
  • Fun with Subtitles: An offscreen man can say the subtitle when animals can't speak.
  • Hirsuite Reminder: Cat people, such as Gateaux, can be distracted by a laser pointer like whatever other true cat.
  • Garlic Is Abhorrent: The Cursed Garlic Magisword, which is sentient and cursed Hoppus with a ravenous hunger for vegetables that turned him into a monster. Information technology also makes the wielder emit a foul garlic olfactory property that is shown on multiple occasions to literally punch people in the confront.
  • Genius Ditz: When hired to destroy a giant Smashroom that was threatening their customer'due south home, Prohyas tries to cheer up Zombie Pumpkin and then he can destroy it. Vambre tries to slow it down past covering information technology with a giant wicker handbasket, and then stuffing its mouth with mucilage. The Smashroom eats both of them, since they're technically made from trees. Prohyas points this out, proverb that Vambre didn't pay attention in Arboretum form. She responds that he didn't pay attending in annihilation else.
  • Genius Loci: The Barren Faceland is alive. The Face itself is sleeping, and it's said that if it e'er wakes up, it'll unleash doom upon all of Lyvsheria.
  • Skillful Cop/Bad Cop: In "Bad Bad Cop", the Warriors are deputized to patrol for crime, and accept on the routine. Bug showtime up when they bicker between themselves over both wanting to be the bad cop.
  • Gotta Grab 'Em All: The Warriors want to collect every magisword there is.
  • Green Thumb: In that location are several plant-based magiswords that conjure the plant, fruit, or vegetable that they represent.
  • Ground Pound: The aptly-named Ground Pound Magisword, which has a behemothic clenched fist for dandy the footing.
  • Hipster: In "Activity Comedy", Prohyas admits he similar Broccoli Punch before it was cool.
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": Prohyas and Vambre, the Warriors for Hire, actually have "Warrior" as their surname.
  • Honest John's Dealership: Ralphio has been hinted equally this, with Vambre more than one time saying that Ralphio perchance ripped them off. He also chased Zombie Pumpkin magisword with a cyberspace.
  • Hooks and Crooks: The Claw Magisword extends a Vaudeville Claw to yank things away.
  • Hot Blade: The Radiator Magisword, with more than emphasis on the "Hot" than "Bract".
  • Hover Board: The Hover Board Magisword does simply this. It doesn't work over water, though.
  • Human Pet: The queen of Loch Mess capture the messenger from the kingdom of Rhyboflavin and treats them as her pets. She lets them get when the warriors convinced her that the Loch Mess Nomster would brand a much ameliorate pet.
  • Humongous Mecha: The Legendary Swordmecha Magisword has the power to summon a mecha once a mean solar day that can comprise the powers of other Magiswords used in it. It also gives the pilots matching uniforms with a toku-style Transformation Sequence.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: In the second episode Vambre states that only she is allowed to injure Prohyas.
  • Hypocritical Humor: In "Bad Human Oldman", Morbidia calls out Gateaux for copying what other people say.
  • An Water ice Person: The Snowball Magisword is able to burn down snowballs at targets. In a more literal sense, in the land of Transylberia exist Snowmanpires.
  • Ignored Enemy: The Warrior siblings are and so obsessed with the Super Shooting star Magisword that they purchased by combining both of their gems together, on top of existence focused on their quest to find a Nevermelting Ice Cube, that the lord of Transylberia, Frostveratu, tin't even get their attention. He finally does make them notice him past stealing the Shooting Star Magisword. They retaliate by unleashing ALL THE MAGISWORDS on him.
  • Inexplicably Preserved Dungeon Meat: Subverted in "Working Grup." Prohyas goes around smashing jars in the Cave of Stuff, and finds a "Jar Ham" inside ane of them. He cringes after sniffing it, saying it'south "nicely aged." He keeps thinking about jar ham all throughout the episode. Skullivan fifty-fifty knocks over a jar during the Trip the light fantastic Party Ending, and Prohyas claims it.

    Prohyas: I call dibs on that jar ham!

  • Instrumental Weapon: The Accordion Magisword, mainly used past Prohyas to play music.
  • It Makes Sense in Context: Technically a few of the Magiswords.
  • I Will Show Y'all Ten!: In "Squideo Games", when Prohyas fears falling off Witchy Simone's broomstick:

    Prohyas: Witchy, could y'all fly a little safer?
    Witchy Simone: Oh Prohyas, this isn't unsafe. This is what unsafe looks like!

  • Joke Weapon: Enough of magiswords have very situational powers and are non used much. Special mention goes to the Monobrow Magisword. All the other Magiswords, no matter how ridiculous they are, can exist used for at least some sort of Mundane Utility. The Monobrow Magisword only covers the target with monobrow eyebrows. Vambre and Prohyas both agree that the sword should never be used again.
  • Kitchen Sink Included: * In the episode "Go that Borfl!", while Vambre was trying to grab said critter in the kitchen (and both of them making quite the mess in the process), Reginald calls the authorities to come in and aid. And then this happens.

    Reginald: He'due south destroyed everything but the—

    (kitchen sink falls on top of him)

  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: The giant spider the Warriors fought in "Stairways and Spiders" has an effeminate male phonation, but was revealed to exist a female.
  • Lame Pun Reaction:
    • Grup attacks Prohyas' white wig at the end of "Case Clothed". He asks what has Grup so "wigged out". Vambre responds with a dejected "Boo" and blasts him in the face with the Tomato Magisword.
    • In "Phil's in the Hous", Vambre tries to smash Prohyas with the Tomato Magisword subsequently he makes a bad pun after Ralphio gives them the Wad of Glue Magisword, but the tomato bounces off the glue and hits her instead.

    Prohyas: Wow, perfect! This should gum up the works.
    Vambre: Booo! ACK!

  • Laser Blade: Prohyas is impressed when Vambre enhances the Flashlight Magisword to produce a deadly beam. He mulls over possible names for this new "Saber of Light".
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    • In "Grup Jam", a not-and so-subtle parody of Infinite Jam, they have an Expy of Nib Murray appear to play in the basketball game, who promptly gets captured in what looks similar a ghost trap. Vambre and Prohyas wait confused, just assumes that the audience understands the joke. Cut to two members of the game audience, weakly insisting they become the joke.
    • During "Witchy Simone Ruins Everything", Vambre pulls out the Ninjappearance Magisword in social club to sneakily follow Witch Fashion. The narrator's vox is about to shout out the name of the sword, similar it ordinarily does, but Vambre shushes him and he continues in a stage whisper.
  • Leotard of Power: Vambre, who doesn't similar wearing pants. It's actually hilarious because she originally was going to habiliment them.
  • Lethal Joke Weapon: Some of the wackier Magiswords are surprisingly useful (like the Wad Of Gum Magisword beingness used to bullheaded people).
  • Living Statue: Quite peradventure Jesto the Best-o. The reveal at the stop of the episode implies that information technology really did come up to life, but never actually confirms whether it was true or non.
  • Living Weapon: A few of the Magiswords, particularly Dolphin Magisword and Zombie Pumpkin Magisword.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: The series has quite a large cast list.
  • Magical Incantation: We accept seen this with at least some spells.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: The Magnet Magisword can attract metal magiswords, amongst other things. The Missing Sock Magisword magically attracts all the missing socks in the area to cling to your torso.
  • Making a Splash: The Dolphin Magisword is able to shoot water.
  • Meaningful Name: As the theme song goes, the Warrior family proper name is as well the siblings' career, as adventurers and mercenaries.
  • Mirror Match: In "Identity Theft", the Warriors are having a hard fourth dimension chirapsia their doppelgangers who use the same blazon of magiswords to counter theirs. They manage to win when they realize that their doppelgangers wouldn't be able to counter their one-of-a-kind magiswords.
  • Mirthless Laughter: Type four when the warriors realize they are doomed when Charabanc gets back.
  • Mundane Utility:
    • When they're not using their magiswords for fighting, the Warriors ofttimes utilise them for simple tasks.
    • Whenever Quondam Man Oldman hires the Warriors, it's always for chores instead of adventures. The ane fourth dimension he chosen them for an actual threat so far, Nohyas beat them there.
    • Kablammica Warrior has a Stirring Spoon magisword for that exact purpose.
  • Nightmare Fuel: In-Universe in "As well Many Warriors", where Witch Way ends upwards bringing a bunch of vicious blimp animal zombies to life. Prohyas is disturbed when he sees a bunny ripped in half simply still moving around.
  • No Fair Adulterous: The Magimobile game for your smart phone can collect a level 3 magisword from each episode currently airing by using a microphone to identifying audio playing from the episode. If you take a recording device like a DVR or Tivo, you lot can collect swords in rapid succession (not counting the ten minute cooldown) from each episode, simply the game keeps track of both how how long ago y'all watched an individual episode and how many episodes you watched it.
  • No, You: Prohyas (at to the lowest degree in the 5 minute shorts) seems prone to utilise this as an impulsive defense force mechanism. He does it twice in "Stairways & Spiders". In "Book-ish", Vambre needs Prohyas' help with dealing with a problem, simply he's been away from her the whole episode. He springs out of the nearby tree, responding to her phone call.

    Vambre: Why are y'all in a tree?
    Prohyas: YOU'RE A TREE!

  • Oddly Shaped Sword: Every magisword is ane, with their shape implying what kind of power they have (i.e., the pencil magisword is shaped similar a pencil and is used like ane).
  • One-time-Timey Bathing Accommodate: Both Ralphio and King Rexxtopher wear them in the episode "Puddle Fools".
  • Organ Autonomy: Vambre often argues with her own brain, whether information technology's about her fear of squirrels or being forced to read her favorite volume series all dark even if she has work tomorrow. Prohyas also announced to take this in the class of his stomach, when information technology tells Vambre to back off when she chastises her brother for trying to eat the pizza they're supposed to deliver. Prohyas' stomach ends upwards being the culprit behind Hoppus' stolen vegetable magiswords in "Gut Feeling."
  • Origins Episode:
    • "Warriors for Hire" shows how Prohyas and Vambre became the become-to guys for quests in Rhyboflavin.
    • A large corporeality of "Quest for Noesis" is devoted to explaining details of Vambre and Prohyas' by, specificially how they get-go became interested in Magiswords and their first days attending Adventure Academy.
  • Otaku: In "Felonious Prose", Vambre can't believe how bad the simulated Veronica Victorious book that Gateaux wrote, that she asks for other people to listen to her read the story to become their opinion. When she reads to the Mysterious Hooded Adult female, she says that she merely reads spell books and manga.
  • Panda-ing to the Audience: One of Prohyas'southward sword gadgets has a parachute that looks like a panda.
  • Paper-thin Disguise: In "Walkies", the Warriors disguise a dinosaur as a dog past taping a pair of socks to his caput and a safe brawl on his nose. They later practice the same to Grup and nobody suspects a thing either fourth dimension.
  • Perpetual Poverty: The Warriors usually end upward spending whatever money they earn nearly as fast as they get information technology, leaving them near always back to badly searching for a new job by the next episode.
  • Pile Bunker: The Jack Hammer Magisword is a pile driver-similar melee weapon.
  • Play Every Day: The Magimobile app has a daily log-in bonus, including a trophy achievement for logging in 365 days of the year.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Nigh literally in "Cleanliness Is Adjacent To Grupiness" from both sides: The Warriors non telling Grup why they were trying to get him wet and Grup for not explaining that exposure to water could kill a dragon.
  • Portmanteau: Grup invents one in "Phil's in the House", and uses it once more in "Cleanliness is Next to Grupliness".

    Grup: This is bad, and weird. This is beird!
    You lot guys have been acting beird all mean solar day!

  • Ability of the Tempest: The Raincloud Magisword produces rainclouds that shoot lightning and rain.
  • Power Pincers: The Lobster Claw Magisword, for when the Warriors need better grip on something.
  • Dial-Clock Villain: Literally. Grup and his monster friends work as the caretakers and encounters of the Cavern of Stuff, a level one dungeon for rookie adventures to start their journeys passing through.
  • Rapid-Burn down One-act: The pacing of the evidence is very fast. A mutual criticism of the show is that the pacing is sometimes besides fast to follow.
  • Rapid-Burn "No!": Prohyas is decumbent to do this whenever he's in trouble. He does information technology multiple times throughout "Flirty Phantom", simply also does it in "The Desolation of Grup", and others.

    Prohyas: NopenopenopeNOPEnopenopenopeNOOOOPE NOPEnopenope nope!

  • Random Issue Spell: The Disruptive Alien Magisword. Does something weird and unlike every time it's used.
  • Reality Warper: The Disruptive Conflicting Magisword. While its Random Effect Spell is limited to a i-outcome-per-employ basis, the list of potential effects borders on The Almighty territory. When Nohyas uses it, showtime he summons a few ducks to sit on Prohyas' head, then he changes Prohyas' voice and the color and texture of his scarf. When he slashes with the sword though, he rips open a tear in the fabric of infinite and fourth dimension itself.
  • Retractable Weapon: Magiswords can shrink to pocket size, plainly to justify how the Warriors can keep and then many in their pouches.
  • The Rival: Witch Way, consisting of the magic-users Morbidia and Gateaux, compete with the Warriors For Hire in the adventuring service.
  • Rocket-Powered Weapon: The Rad Rocket Magisword is a rocket on a hilt, oftentimes used to travel quickly.
  • Running Gag: Whenever the Warriors accept a "Warrior Huddle", it starts with simply Prohyas and Vambre in the huddle, but eventually, someone else will interrupt the huddle. Prohyas lampshades this in "Nedtime Fellows", where he tin can still call back when the Warrior Huddle used to just be between him and his sister.
    • Starting time used in Keeper of the Mask, then multiple times afterward. There is a reaction shot of a character randomly manifesting a bag of popcorn. When asked where they got information technology, they flatly reply with "popcorn store."
  • Sacrificed Basic Skill for Crawly Grooming: The Warriors failed to pass ane class when they graduated from Take a chance Academy. And it's the one where adventurers learned how to use swords as swords.
  • Scary Stinging Swarm: The rather bee-themed episode "The Wrath of Neddy" ends with Vambre and Prohyas claiming the beehive magisword, and accidentally unleashing information technology's stingy ability on themselves.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Later in the series the Warriors go a Magisafe in their basement that they use to store whatever uncontrollable, dangerous or evil magiswords.
  • Underground Handshake: The Warriors developed their own hugger-mugger handshake fifteen years agone when they were kids. It ends with them bashing their heads confronting each other, and they agree to remove that step for their own health. 15 years later, Prohyas wonders how they still haven't eliminated that footstep after bashing their heads again.
  • Series Continuity Fault: King Rexxtopher attempts to swallow the Warrior siblings in "Warts and All" and relishes it, even though the before episode "Biggest Fan" establishes that he doesn't eat humans because he's allergic.
  • Severely Specialized Store: The prove features a Popcorn Store and an Evil Toupee Store.
  • Shipper on Deck: Prohyas is this when he realizes Noville has a crush on his sis.
  • Shoot the Messenger: In one episode, when delivery men were delivering Rhyvoflavian peace offerings to Loch Mess, the Queen disregarded the offerings and instead held the delivery men prisoners as pets, defeating the purpose of the peace offerings at the same time.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The announcer shouting out the name of a magisword is a straight reference to Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and how their Transformation Trinkets shout out their changes when activated.
    • The Hoversword Magisword doesn't work over water.
    • The "Veronica Victorious" series of books allude to many youth novel series such as The Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew, simply special note goes to Harry Potter. In "Felonious Prose", Gateaux describes the books equally "transcending the historic period barrier", which is part of what made the Harry Potter books so famous.
    • A common phrase shouted past people is "Annoyed Grunt!" note For those who didn't get it, this is the cue for "d'oh!" in that show's scripts.
    • In The Tome of Morrow, a title card is seen with Biblia and Monkey Chunks and backside them it says "Biblia and Monkey Chunks book into battle!"
    • "Witchy Simone Ruins Everything" is a Shout-Out to Adam Ruins Everything
    • "Action Comedy" has a shout out to Ghostbusters past quoting a famous scene when a hyper critical fan of the Broccoli Dial superhero says that the villains could never outright win in the story.

    Fan: Black is white, downwardly is up, cats and dogs living together!
    Gateaux: Mass hysteria!

    • "Suitable Armor" has a sequence where Vambre attempts to battle in samurai armor... leading to a parody of Samurai Jack.

    Prohyas: I accept no idea what that's referencing, but that looks cool!

    • In "Fixing-A-Flonk" Vambre tells Prohyas that he has 24 hours to reform Flonk before she calls the cops. Whenver she reminds him that he has 24 hours, she turns into an angry moon with a clock brandish underneath, in the style of The Legend of Zelda: Majora'due south Mask.
    • When Vambre and Prohyas combine the Robo-tank and Shark magiswords in "Extreme Dreams", Vambre dresses up like Tank Girl.
  • Shown Their Work:
    • While all the dinosaurs and pterosaurs in the Dinosaur Kingdom are stylized and cartoony (though the quadrupedal dinosaurs have more realistic postures), their Tyrannosaurus rex rex very conspicuously has feathers on his head, back and arms. He even confirms having feathers in "Biggest Fan".
    • In 1 episode, Vambre correctly calls Hoppus (a rabbit) a lagomorph, every bit opposed to a rodent.
  • Sibling Rivalry: When Prohyas and Vambre find a new magisword, they usually fight over who gets to keep it.
  • Skewed Priorities: When a Loony Fan leaves a ton of voice mails in her attempt to goad the Warriors into rescuing her (which she prepare upwards herself,) Vambre has to remind Prohyas that there are bigger issues at hand.

    Prohyas: I am not looking forwards to deleting those later.

  • Sleep-Mode Size: All magiswords shrink down to keychain size when "sheathed." Zombie Pumpkin, one of the few talking magiswords, describes the country as akin to sleeping.
  • Sliding Scale of Continuity: Level 3: Subtle Continuity. Everything that happens in each episode carries over into following episodes. Any magiswords obtained in one episode will be used in following episodes. For instance: the Beehive Magisword in "The Wrath of Neddy" is pulled out over again in "Thick as Thieves". In "Biggest Fan", Prohyas mentioned how the Warriors accept but been in business organization for a twelvemonth an a one-half, a reference to the episode airing in late 2016, but the show itself starting in early 2015. Finally, in "Gotta Become Grup To Get Down", Witch Way turns Helmet into a frog for laughing at them. Frog Helmet has a much larger presence in "Dungeons & Dayjobs".
  • Spinoff Babies: A flavor of digital shorts released in 2017 revolves around flashbacks to Prohyas and Vambre's fourth dimension at Gamble Academy. Younger versions of Witchy Simone, Neddy the Mallet, Morbidia and Gateaux are also featured.
  • Stealth How-do-you-do/Good day: The Hooded Woman commonly shows up and leaves this way. She can even exit her cloak behind so it appears she never left. Prohyas is always disturbed by this, e'er wondering how she does that.
  • Mucilaginous Situation: The Wad of Gum and Viscid Sticky Hand Magiswords.
  • Strictly Formula: Neither the bear witness as a whole nor all of the shorts, but the Take chances Academy shorts stick extremely closely to a specific plot outline:
    • I of the Warriors is late to class and uses a random established Magisword to sneak in. Professor Cyrus notices and makes a wisecrack.
    • Cyrus explains the lesson of the episode using a slideshow.
    • The late Warrior and one other student (ordinarily the most talkative ane) are told to demonstrate. Cyrus reveals the "proscenium pirouette". One of the other students calls information technology a round wooden thing.
    • The lesson goes awry.
    • The Warrior chooses i of two Magiswords not previous seen on the show to solve it.
    • Cyrus gets upset, tells them they didn't follow his instructions, and calls in Bunky the living closet to confiscate the Magisword.
    • The episode ends with this exchange:

      Warrior: What did you exercise that for?

      Professor Cyrus: You gotta learn the rules before you interruption them, (son/girl)!

      Warrior: If a Magisword will get the same task washed, why not utilize them? (Fuss/Och)!

  • Stylistic Suck: The vlogs at the stop of the five-minute shorts have low-quality sound, as if the characters are recording themselves with a cheap microphone.
  • Super Strength: The Muscly Arm Magisword grants the user big muscles.
  • Squad Pet: Grup has been promoted to such, being the Warriors' housepet/roomate. Several of the more intelligent magiswords like Dolphin and Zombie Pumpkin concord this status too.
  • That Makes Me Feel Angry: Near a Verbal Tic for the Warrior Siblings. Prohyas in particular volition often mutter "Fuss!" when he's upset.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Hoppus and Denelda, two small and cute bunny characters, take the virtually gravelly voices in the whole show.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: After Glori gets a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Oral communication from Prohyas about her taking her Loony Fan human activity as well far and that the Warriors never want to see her again, she tearfully abandons her fandom over them and vows to go an even bigger adventurer than them to get revenge, complete with an Evil Laugh.
  • This Explains So Much: In "Bugged, Bothered and Bothered Some More", Flonk reveals to Vambre and Prohyas that Helmut is his older brother and that he taught him how to make it through in life. Since both Helmut and Flonk picked on the Warrior siblings when they were children, Vambre quips on how Helmut existence Flonk's function model explains a lot about Flonk'southward behavior.
  • This Looks Like a Task for Aquaman: Given the highly specialized nature of nigh magiswords, this is a common plot in the show. Zombie Pumpkin will consume plants if you let him. When a behemothic smashroom threatens a client'due south home, the warriors presume that ZP is the merely one that can actually defeat it. He tin't, since fungus aren't plants, but he has no problem eating it once he grows to the same behemothic size.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: The Warriors' parents, Norman and Kablammica, are a scrawny man and a huge, burly woman.
  • Trademark Favorite Nutrient:
    • Slug burger appear to be this for Prohyas.
    • The former King of Loch Mess liked broccoli. His daughter not so much.
  • Trash of the Titans: The Warriors' accumulate a week's worth of trash in "Case Clothed" due to them trying to flip a coin to see who has to clean it, but they keep losing the coins in the trash. Luckily, Grup decided to step in and offer to clean information technology up.
  • Unexplained Accent: Subverted. Vambre speaks with a British accent, while her brother Prohyas doesn't. Vambre even calls Zombie Pumpkin "Zed P" while Prohyas says "Zee P", and she calls it "to-mah-to" while he says "to-may-to". She also calls the Flashlight magisword a Torch. "The Curse of Dummystine" 5 minute curt explains this is a result of her farthermost dedication to the Veronica Victorious book serial, which we also run across in a flashback at their childhood in the Flavor i penultimate episode, which likewise inspires her and Prohyas to exist Warriors for Hire.
  • The Unreveal:
    • At the cease of "Quest for Knowledge!", the reason why Professor Cyrus gave his alumni map pieces to the Legendary Knowledge Magisword is never revealed, only that he wanted it to be rid of, and when Prohyas and Vambre scanned his heed using the Legendary Knowledge Magisword after he refused to tell them, they found his reasons unsatisfying without explaining what they were.
    • A recurring gag has Homo Fish the Fish Man offering to explain his "thrilling backstory", only to be denied or have information technology only discussed off-screen.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Prohyas delivers one to the pirates in "Case Clothed" after he dons a new outfit.

    Prohyas: Ahoy there, lads. Stand up back, or I'll pip-pip you right in the cheerios.

  • Vendor Trash: The Nail Clipper magisword, per Word of God, is the worst magisword ever. Fittingly, Prohyas is seen consecutively pulling them out of a collection of treasure chests in one vlog, and Vambre got hers on sale "because it'due south stu~pid". Its only apply then far is scaring off a giant arm monster by cutting its fingernails too short.
  • Exact Tic: Prohyas has "Hey!" He acknowledges this trope directly in "Can I Proceed It?" when Vambre explains that "Hey" is the word in slime language for "separate in two."

    Prohyas: Hey, I sympathise. I have a Verbal Tic, which means I can't be effectually the little guy, or I'll alluvion the kingdom with slimes.

  • What Kind of Lame Ability Is Eye, Anyway?: Some magiswords come off as this, like the 3 minute short version of the celery magisword only had the power to make things odour similar celery.
  • Why Did It Take to Be Snakes?: Vambre is seriously afraid of squirrels. She even says the line verbatim. She temporary overcomes her fear after the squirrels see her going Ax-Crazy with the Chainsaw Magisword though. At the end of the episode, she became afraid once more, annoying her own brain.
  • Globe of Weirdness: Between the Anachronism Stew, the zany tone, and the sheer imagination, this is born.
  • X-Ray Sparks: Inflicted by the Electrical Eel Magisword (though not every time).
  • Yandere: Penny Plasm from the episode "Flirty Phantom". She's actually into Prohyas and he reciprocates... until she tries to kill him so they can be together forever. She gives upwards when he convinces her that he would rather be alive. Lucky for Penny, she finds a new target when Phil the womanizing thief shows up on her doorstep.
  • Y'all Do Not Want to Know: In "Bureaucrophobia", Vambre says that her least favorite insects are fig wasps. When Prohyas prods her about information technology, she tells him not to look it upward.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Pilus: Prohyas has light blueish pilus and Vambre has violet hair. Various modest characters as well have various colours of hair.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebAnimation/MightyMagiswords

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