The Art of Science of Prediction by Philip E Tetlock Dan Gardner

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Yannick Serres
During the offset hundred pages, I was sure to requite the book a perfect score. It totally caught my attention and fabricated me want more and more. The book made me feel similar it had been written for me, someone that don't know much about predictions and forecasts, merely feels like he could be practiced at it.

And so, after the half of the book, you go a fiddling bored because information technology always come back to the same matter: Use number to make your predictions in a well established timeframe, e'er question your predictions

During the first hundred pages, I was sure to give the book a perfect score. It totally caught my attention and made me want more and more. The volume made me feel like it had been written for me, someone that don't know much about predictions and forecasts, but feels similar he could be skillful at it.

And then, afterwards the half of the volume, yous get a little bored because information technology always come back to the same thing: Use number to brand your predictions in a well established timeframe, always question your predictions till the time runs out, learn from the past and meet across your conic vision.

This book is very interesting and worth giving a shot. It's a proficient mix of science and history, only you however feel like yous're reading a novel.

I was expecting nothing from this book and got quite a fun at reading it. I've been positively surprised and hope you'll exist too.

I got to thank Philip East. Tetlock and Random Firm of Canada for this book I received through Goodreads giveaways.

David Rubenstein
Philip Tetlock is a professor at the Academy of Pennsylvania. He is a co-leader of the Good Judgment Project, a long-term forecasting study. It is a fascinating project whose purpose is to amend the accurateness of forecasts. Yous can learn more near the project on theGood Judgment website. In this volume you tin can learn the basics of how to brand accurate forecasts in the face of uncertainty and incomplete facts.

An amazing tournament was held, which pitted amateur volunteers in the Good Judgment Pr

Philip Tetlock is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a co-leader of the Skilful Judgment Project, a long-term forecasting study. Information technology is a fascinating project whose purpose is to improve the accuracy of forecasts. You tin can acquire more about the project on theGood Judgment website. In this book you can larn the basics of how to brand accurate forecasts in the face of incertitude and incomplete facts.

An astonishing tournament was held, which pitted amateur volunteers in the Adept Judgment Project with the all-time analysts at IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency). The amateurs with the all-time records for accurateness are termed "superforecasters". They performed 30% better than the professional analysts, who had access to classified information. This was not a simple tournament. It was held over a long period of time, enough fourth dimension to allow a good amount of research and thinking and discussions among team members. It involved hundreds of questions. These questions were asked in a precise, quantitative way, with definite time frames. And too giving predictions, players in the tournament estimated their confidence levels in each of their predictions. Their forecasts, along with their estimated conviction levels went into the final scores.

So, what are the qualities of a skillful superforecaster? Peradventure the dominant trait is agile open up-mindedness. They exercise non hold onto beliefs when evidence is brought against them. They all have an intellectual humility; they realize that reality is very complex. Superforecasters are almost all highly numerate people. They do not use sophisticated mathematical models, just they understand probability and confidence levels. Superforecasters intuitively use Bayes theorem, without explicitly using the formula quantitatively. They care near their reputations, simply their self esteem stakes are less than those of career CIA analysts and reputable pundits. So, when new prove develops, they are more than likely to update their forecasts. Superforecasters update their forecasts oft, in small increments of probability.

The book discusses the movie, Zero Dark 30, about the military assault on the compound in Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden was hiding. The character playing Leon Panetta railed confronting all the different opinions of the intelligence analysts. But the real Leon Panetta understood the differences in opinions, and welcomed them. He understood that analysts do not all retrieve akin, they have diverse perspectives, and this helps to make the "wisdom of the crowd" more authentic overall. It was found that teams score 23% better than individuals.

The book dispells the myth that during World War 2, German soldiers unquestioningly followed orders, while Americans took the initiative and improvised. The truth, particularly in the early phases of the war, was often exactly the reverse. The Germans followed a philosophy that military orders should tell leaders what to exercise, just not how to practice it. American leaders were given very detailed orders that removed initiative, inventiveness, and improvisation. The author deliberately chose this example to make us squirm. One should always keep in listen, that even an evil, vicious, immoral enemy can be competent. Never underestimate your antagonist. This is difficult in practice; even superforecasters can conflate facts and values.

Nowadays, the military has radically inverse. The military machine encourages initiative and improvisation. However, corporations are much more focused on command and control. Their hierarchical structure tends to micro-manage. In fact, some corporations accept hired ex-military officers to advise company executives to worry less about condition, and instead to empower their employees.

An appendix at the terminate of the book is a listing of the Ten Commandments for superforecasting. These are useful generalities for successful forecasting. Merely even here, the authors are intellectually humble; their last commandment is not always to care for all the commandments every bit commandments!

This is a fascinating, engaging volume, nigh a subject I had never idea much about. The book is piece of cake reading, filled with lots of anecdotes and interesting examples. The authors rely quite a bit on the wisdom of behavioral economists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Twersky. They have given a lot of thought to the subject of forecasting, and it really shows.

Nov 27, 2017 rated it it was amazing
5⭐️ - What a great book!

Information technology will definitely appeal to the fans of Thinking, Fast and Slow, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions and The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.

Thought-provoking and full of very perceptive observations. Just I peculiarly would like to commend authors for how well this book is written. This is an example of non-fiction at its best. There is definitely enquiry and background science overview merely each chapter is a proper story

5⭐️ - What a nifty book!

Information technology volition definitely entreatment to the fans of Thinking, Fast and Slow, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions and The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.

Thought-provoking and full of very perceptive observations. But I particularly would similar to commend authors for how well this book is written. This is an instance of non-fiction at its best. There is definitely research and background science overview just each chapter is a proper story equally well. Philip Due east. Tetlock and/or his co-author (not sure who should have the credit) are superb storytellers! Information technology was non only insightful just genuinely enjoyable to read this book.

I commonly read several books simultaneously 1 or two non-fiction titles and a bunch of fiction stories. Merely terminal week 'Superforecasting' monopolised my reading time. And information technology is particularly telling how well it managed to bruise contest from its fiction 'rivals'.

It goes straight to my absolute best non-fiction shelf. I recommend it strongly to all curious about the psychology of determination making and an ability of our heed to cope the uncertainty.

...more than
This book features some interesting trivia almost "Super-forecasters" but when it comes to explaining prove-based practice, it was Super-disappointing. It starts off well with a word of Archie Cochrane and evidence-based medicine (EBM), but then it bizarrely ignores the core concepts of EBM.

-In EBM, you await up what works and so use that info to help people instead of killing them. Merely when Tetlock talks about social philanthropy he implies that it'southward testify-based equally long as you rigo

This book features some interesting trivia well-nigh "Super-forecasters" but when it comes to explaining evidence-based practice, it was Super-disappointing. It starts off well with a discussion of Archie Cochrane and prove-based medicine (EBM), but then information technology bizarrely ignores the cadre concepts of EBM.

-In EBM, you lot look upwardly what works and and so utilize that info to assist people instead of killing them. But when Tetlock talks near social philanthropy he implies that information technology's evidence-based as long as you rigorously evaluate what you're doing. NO! If your dr. gives you arsenic instead of antibiotics for your bacterial infection, that's not OK even if he does lots of lab tests afterwards to see how you're progressing.

-In EBM, y'all focus on the all-time bachelor testify. At that place's a difference betwixt what some drug rep told y'all vs. the conclusions of a randomized clinical trial. Only when Tetlock reviews the Iraq War fiasco, he argues there was a really big pile of testify so it made sense to go to war. He doesn't seem to become that a really large pile of crap is still simply crap. Some elements of the pro-state of war narrative were known to be bogus before the war. Others turned out to be bogus later (Curveball, etc.), and so those were not investigated and confirmed as solid evidence beforehand either.

-In EBM, the point of a diagnostic test is to get a predictive value. This number tells yous how probable a test event is to be true, based on its rail record. Instead, Tetlock praises his forecasters for making upward percentages that reflect their subjective degree of certitude. And he calls those "probabilities" only that is very misleading, because in science a probability is something like the chance of drawing a royal affluent in poker, i.east. it's an objectively calculated number based on reality.

-In EBM, the large event is whether the treatment works for the main relevant outcome. And then for the Iraq War case, the question for the CIA was whether an invasion would A) spread democracy in the Middle Due east after preventing an imminent nuclear set on on the USA, or B) not prevent anything (considering in that location was no hugger-mugger new nukes program) and increment regional chaos besides as global terrorism (think ISIS). This decision tree is absent from the book, and that omission violates Tetlock's own rule about asking the meaningful difficult question.

This volume has skillful content on cerebral biases. Just I would recommend going directly to the source on that topic. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Elizabeth Theiss Smith
When information technology comes to forecasting, virtually pundits and professionals practise little improve than chimps with dartboards, according to Phillip Tetlock, who ought to know considering he has spent a good deal of his life keeping track. Tetlock has partnered with Dan Gardner, an fantabulous scientific discipline journalist, to write this engaging book almost the ii percent of forecasters who manage to consistently outperform their peers.

Oddly, consumers of forecasts mostly exercise not crave testify of accurateness. Few telly networ

When it comes to forecasting, about pundits and professionals do little better than chimps with dartboards, according to Phillip Tetlock, who ought to know because he has spent a proficient deal of his life keeping track. Tetlock has partnered with Dan Gardner, an splendid science journalist, to write this engaging volume about the 2 percent of forecasters who manage to consistently outperform their peers.

Oddly, consumers of forecasts more often than not do not crave evidence of accuracy. Few television networks or web sites score the accurateness of forecasts. Years ago, equally a stockbroker I gave very little weight to the forecasts of my business firm'due south experts; the stocks they recommended were every bit likely to go downward equally they were to get upwards. Today, equally an occasional television set pundit, I'm often asked to forecast electoral outcomes, so I was very curious virtually Tetlock's 2 percent that managed "superforecasting."

"How predictable something is depends on what we are trying to predict, how far into the future, and under what circumstances," according to Tetlock and Gardner. It makes no sense to endeavor to predict the economy ten years from now, for case. But he wanted to understand how the best forecasters manage to maintain accuracy over the course of many predictions. In gild to find out, he launched the Good Judgement Project, which involved 2800 volunteer forecasters who worked on a series of prediction bug over several years. After the commencement year, he identified the best forecasters and put them on teams to reply questions like whether Arafat was poisoned past polonium, whether WMDs were in Iraq and whether Osama bin Laden was in Abbottabad. His findings shed calorie-free on the kind of evidence-based, probabilistic, logical thought processes that go into the all-time predictions. A section on grouping think is nicely illustrated past the Bay of Pigs disaster; the ability of JFK'due south team to acquire from their mistakes is demonstrated by the same grouping's more skillful response to the Cuban missile crunch.

Written in an engaging and accessible style, Superforecasting illustrates every concept with a adept story, oft featuring national surprises like nine/11 and the lack of WMDs in Iraq with explanations of why forecasters missed what looks obvious in hindsight. Ultimately, this is a volume almost disquisitional thinking that challenges the reader to bring more rigor to his or her own thought processes. Tetlock and Gardner accept made a valuable contribution to a globe of internet factoids and snap judgments.

...more than
John Kaufmann
This book was solid, though peradventure not quite equally good equally I hoped/expected. It was interesting reading, full of interesting stories and examples. The writer doesn't prescribe a particular method - superforecasting, it appears, is more most a toolbox or set of guidelines that must exist used and adapted based on the particular circumstances. As a result, at times I felt the author's thread was beingness lost or scattered; however, upon reflection I realized it was function of the nature of making prediction This book was solid, though perchance not quite as practiced as I hoped/expected. It was interesting reading, total of interesting stories and examples. The author doesn't prescribe a particular method - superforecasting, it appears, is more well-nigh a toolbox or fix of guidelines that must be used and adapted based on the item circumstances. As a result, at times I felt the author's thread was beingness lost or scattered; yet, upon reflection I realized information technology was part of the nature of making predictions. On reflection, his guidelines are articulate and should be helpful, even if they cannot provide a method for correct predictions 100% of the fourth dimension.

I critique I had was that the author didn't provide whatever statistical show of why the people he identified as superforecasters were skilful as opposed to lucky. I continued to think some of the examples he gave were based on luck, non necessarily skill - the writer distilled a lesson that contributed to the success, but I would have had more confidence that his conclusion represented the reason for the superforecasters' success if he had provided more statistical bear witness to back up that conclusion. Even so, his conclusions/guidelines announced audio, and I plan on using them.

Pavlo Illiashenko
Harry Truman famously said
: Give me a one-handed economist! All my economics say, ''On the 1 hand? on the other.''

Philip Tetlock combines iii major findings from different areas of research:

one) People don't like experts who are context specific and could not provide u.s. with clear unproblematic answers regarding complex phenomena in a probabilistic world. People don't like if an expert sounds non 100% confident. They reason, that confidence represents skills.

2) Experts who employ publicly acceptable

Harry Truman famously said
: Give me a i-handed economist! All my economics say, ''On the i hand? on the other.''

Philip Tetlock combines three major findings from dissimilar areas of enquiry:

i) People don't like experts who are context specific and could not provide us with articulate simple answers regarding complex phenomena in a probabilistic world. People don't similar if an expert sounds non 100% confident. They reason, that confidence represents skills.

ii) Experts who utilise publicly acceptable role of hedgehogs (ideologically narrow-minded) and/or express ideas with 100% certainty are incorrect on virtually things most of the fourth dimension. General public is fooled by retrospect bias (on the office of experts) and lack of accountability.

3) We alive in the nonlinear circuitous probabilistic world, thus, we demand to shape our thinking accordingly. Those who do it ("foxes" comparing to "hedgehogs" can think non-simplistically) get much better experts in their own field and ameliorate forecasters in general.

I guess, nobody with sufficient IQ or relevant experience will find whatsoever new and surprising ideas in this book. However, the story is interesting in itself and many Tetlock'due south arguments and examples can be borrowed for farther discussions with existent people in the real life settings.

Feb 12, 2016 rated it it was ok
Superforcasting: The Art of Science and Prediction, by Philip E. Tetlock, is a book most the art and science of statistical prediction, and its everyday uses. Except it isn't really, that is but what they are selling it every bit. The book starts off really strong, analyzing skepticism, illusions of statistical knowledge, and various types of bias. However, the majority of the book focuses on a US authorities intelligence project called IARPA, designed to use everyday citizens to make statistical pred Superforcasting: The Art of Science and Prediction, by Philip E. Tetlock, is a book about the art and science of statistical prediction, and its everyday uses. Except it isn't really, that is only what they are selling it as. The book starts off actually stiff, analyzing skepticism, illusions of statistical cognition, and diverse types of bias. Withal, the majority of the book focuses on a US government intelligence project called IARPA, designed to employ everyday citizens to make statistical predictions on real life events.

This volume really threw me off, afterwards such a strong commencement. I was expecting a volume on forecasting; its design, uses and various techniques. And in some ways Tetlock delivers. Yet, I did non expect a book on United states foreign policy, or a comparison of the fictional version of CIA director Leon Panetta from Zero Dark Thirty with the real i. It was all a piddling bit mind-boggling, and not in a statistical way. The book simply doesn't agree my interest.

Frankly, I could continue to criticize, suffice to say that a book on a U.s.a. intelligence program should probably exist labeled a bit better than this. The championship suggests a cut and dry out analysis of forecasting, but the book delivers in propaganda, U.s. political criticism and so on, as opposed to interesting data on a course of statistical prediction. I would recommend a pass on this one, if you are not interested in the add-on of fairly watered down U.s.a. political theory. If you are, however, the book may be of interest to y'all. I was more disappointed than anything, and hope to read a book actually focusing on forecasting in the nearly future.

Michal Mironov
I usually rank my favorite books on a line between „extremely readable" and „ very useful". This ane is probably among my Acme 3 about useful books ever. The other two are Kahneman'southward "Thinking, Fast and Tedious", and Taleb'south "Black Swan". You don't have to agree on everything with the writer, just y'all all the same will get dozens of truly important facts that can fundamentally affect your life. Don't exist misguided by the championship – you actually take to read this book even if you don't accept the ambition to predict I usually rank my favorite books on a line between „extremely readable" and „ very useful". This one is probably among my Top 3 virtually useful books always. The other two are Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow", and Taleb's "Black Swan". You don't take to agree on everything with the author, but yous still will become dozens of truly important facts that tin can fundamentally impact your life. Don't be misguided by the title – you really have to read this volume even if you don't have the ambition to predict stock prices or revolutions in the Arab world. Whether nosotros like it or non, we are all forecasters - making important life decisions such every bit changing career path or choosing a partner - based on dubious, personal forecasts. This book will prove you how to dramatically ameliorate those forecasts based on data and experience of the most successful forecasters. You'll be surprised that those experts usually aren't CIA analysts or skilled journalists, but ordinary intelligent people, who knows how to avoid well-nigh common biases, suppress their ego and systematically assess things from unlike angles. We will never be able to make perfect predictions simply at least we tin can learn from the very best. ...more
Jan 17, 2020 rated it really liked it
I'm giving this a iv even though I didn't consummate it. Information technology's very well written and structured merely I just decided half style through that the subject wasn't for me.

Some exceptional real-earth examples though!

I'm giving this a four even though I didn't complete it. It's very well written and structured but I just decided half way through that the subject wasn't for me.

Some infrequent real-earth examples though!

A Man Called Ove
I first heard of this volume on CNN's GPS podcast, merely the name "Superforecasting" reminded me of "Super-freakonomics", which inturn reminded of dubious smartass hindsights and which caused me to ignore the recommendation. Tetlock was cited again by Steven Pinker in his book "Enlightenment Now" and that finally got me to pick it up.
Can y'all really forecast geopolitical events ? Surprisingly yep.
Exercise you need a special ability to exist a "super-forecaster" ? Not really.
What then do you need ?
The book des
I first heard of this book on CNN's GPS podcast, but the name "Superforecasting" reminded me of "Super-freakonomics", which inturn reminded of dubious smartass hindsights and which caused me to ignore the recommendation. Tetlock was cited again by Steven Pinker in his book "Enlightenment Now" and that finally got me to option it upwards.
Can you really forecast geopolitical events ? Surprisingly yes.
Do yous need a special ability to be a "super-forecaster" ? Non really.
What so do you need ?
The book describes the methods used by super-forecasters and in doing so describes a number of systemic biases in our thinking. Also, in that location are many relevant examples and except for a couple of circuitous equations which tin be ignored, the author makes his points really well. This was a fun, fast read that was too satisfying.
To the writer's credit, he has finally made me pick up Thinking, Fast and Slow which I already think volition be life-changing as far as books and ideas tin can be.
Paul Phillips
Mar xvi, 2018 rated it it was astonishing
Actually good and well thought out ideas, particularly relevant to anyone who has any sort of forecasting responsibilities in their work. I remember this is a must read for economists.
My only quarrel is that the outset is a lot more punchy and the end kind of drags.
Leland Beaumont
Summarizing xx years of inquiry on forecasting accuracy conducted from 1984 through 2004, Philip Tetlock concluded "the average good was roughly as accurate every bit a dart-throwing chimpanzee." More worrisome is the inverse correlation between fame and accuracy—the more famous a forecasting expert was, the less accurate he was. This book describes what was learned as Tetlock set out to amend forecasting accuracy with the Skilful Judgement Project.

Largely in response to colossal US intelligence erro

Summarizing 20 years of research on forecasting accurateness conducted from 1984 through 2004, Philip Tetlock concluded "the boilerplate expert was roughly as accurate equally a dart-throwing chimpanzee." More worrisome is the inverse correlation betwixt fame and accurateness—the more famous a forecasting good was, the less accurate he was. This book describes what was learned as Tetlock fix out to improve forecasting accurateness with the Good Judgement Project.

Largely in response to jumbo United states of america intelligence errors, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) was created in 2006. The goal was to fund cutting-edge research with the potential to make the intelligence customs smarter and more effective. Acting on recommendations of a research study the IARPA sponsored a massive tournament to run across who could invent the best methods of making the sorts of forecasts that intelligence analysis make every day. This tournament provided the experimental footing for rigorously testing the effectiveness of many diverse approaches to forecasting.

And acquire they did! Thousands of ordinary denizen volunteers applied, approximately 3,200 were invited to participate, and two,800 eventually joined the project. "Over four years, almost five hundred questions well-nigh international affairs were asked of thousands of Skilful Judgment Project'south forecasters, generating well over ane million judgments nigh the futurity." Because fuzzy thinking can never be proven wrong, questions and forecasts were specific enough that the correctness of each forecast could be clearly judged. These results were used to compute a Brier score—a quantitative assessment of the accuracy of each forecast— for each forecaster.

In the outset year 58 forecasters scored extraordinary well; they outperformed regular forecasters in the tournament by 60%. Remarkably these apprentice superforecasters "performed nigh xxx percentage better than the average for intelligence customs analysts who could read intercepts and other secret data." This is not just luck; the superforecasters as a whole increased their lead over all other forecasters in subsequent years.

Superforecasters share several traits that prepare them apart, but more importantly they utilize many techniques that we tin can all learn. Superforecasters take in a higher place average intelligence, are numerically literate, pay attending to emerging world events, and continually learn from their successes and failures. But perhaps more importantly, they arroyo forecasting problems using a particular philosophic outlook, thinking mode, and methods, combined with a growth mindset and grit. The specific skills they apply can be taught and learned by anyone who wants to improve their forecasting accuracy.

This is an of import book. Forecasting accurateness matters and the runway tape has been miserable. Public policy, diplomacy, military action, and financial decisions often depend on forecast accurateness. Getting it wrong, every bit so oft happens, is very plush. The detailed results presented in this volume tin can meliorate intelligence forecasts, economic forecasts, and other consequential forecasts if nosotros are willing to learn from them.

This is as shut to a folio-turner as a nonfiction book tin get. The book is well-written and clearly presented. The many rigorous arguments presented throughout the book are remarkably accessible. Sophisticated quantitative reasoning is well presented using examples, diagrams, and simply a bare minimum of unproblematic mathematical formulas. Representative prove from the tournament results support the conspicuously-argued conclusions presented. Personal accounts of individual superforecasters add together involvement and help create an entertaining narrative. An appendix summarizes "10 Commandments for Aspiring Superforecasters". Extensive notes allow farther investigation, however the avant-garde reader edition lacks an alphabetize.

Applying the insights presented in this book tin assistance anyone evaluate and improve forecast accuracy. "Evidence-based policy is a movement modeled on evidence-based medicine." The book ends with simple communication and a telephone call to activeness: "All we have to practice is become serious most keeping score."

Aug 27, 2018 rated it it was ok
PT's Superforecasting correctly remarks upon the notable failure to rails the performance of people who engaged in predicting the effect of political events. This lack of accountability has led to a state of affairs where punditry amounts footling more than than entertainment; farthermost positions offered with superficial, one-sided reasoning; aimed mainly at flattering the listeners' visceral prejudices.

One trouble is expressed positions are deliberately vague. This makes it easy for the pundit to later requa

PT's Superforecasting correctly remarks upon the notable failure to track the performance of people who engaged in predicting the effect of political events. This lack of accountability has led to a situation where punditry amounts little more than entertainment; farthermost positions offered with superficial, one-sided reasoning; aimed mainly at flattering the listeners' visceral prejudices.

One problem is expressed positions are deliberately vague. This makes information technology easy for the pundit to after requalify his position conform with the eventual outcome. For example: a pundit claims quantitative easing will atomic number 82 to inflation. When consumer inflation doesn't announced, he tin claim that one) it will, given plenty time, 2) in fact, there is aggrandizement in stock prices three) He never said how much inflation.

Thus, the first task in assessing performance is to require statements of conspicuously defined, hands measurable criteria. Once this is done, PT began a series of experiments, testing which personality characteristics and procedure variables led to proficient prediction outcomes, both for individuals and groups. Primal attributes include independence from credo, an openness to consider a variety of sources and points of view and a willingness to change 1'south mind. Native intelligence, numeracy and practical feel with logical thinking all correlate positively with prediction accuracy; at to the lowest degree to a point. But moderately intelligent and diligent individuals tin often surpass the super bright, who sometimes bear witness a trend to be blinded by their own rhetorik. And some "superforecasters" consistently outperform professionals with access to privileged data. The chapter on how to get a group to function well together is especially applicable for business management.

PT wrote his book at a mid brow mode, and anyone already familiar with basic psychology writing, east.g. from D Kahneman, volition often feel annoyed by his long and overly folksy explanations. Indeed, while information technology has good things to say about applied epistemology, information technology isn't necessary read all all 200 pages. A good alternative starting point would be to consult Evan Gaensbauer'southward review at the Less Incorrect website:

Nov xix, 2015 rated it it was amazing
Possibly the best book I read in 2015. Couldn't have read at a better time equally the year nears an cease. I could relate with a lot of things as I work every bit an equity analyst trying to do the seemingly impossible matter of forecasting stock prices. In detail, the examples of how superforecasters become about doing their jobs were pretty inspiring. Examples of taking the exterior view and creating a tree of various outcomes and breaking downwards that tree into branches are something I could benefit from.

As a

Possibly the all-time book I read in 2015. Couldn't have read at a better time as the year nears an finish. I could relate with a lot of things as I piece of work as an disinterestedness analyst trying to practice the seemingly incommunicable thing of forecasting stock prices. In item, the examples of how superforecasters go virtually doing their jobs were pretty inspiring. Examples of taking the outside view and creating a tree of various outcomes and breaking down that tree into branches are something I could benefit from.

As an analyst I am certain of only i thing. My estimates for earnings and target price for stocks volition be wrong 99% of the time. However, I try to brand sure that I am not missing the big picture and when there is a screaming purchase or a sell acquired past irresolute fundamentals or market place overreactions I do not want to miss that. My earnings estimates and target prices are actually much less important. What is true however that small fleck and pieces of data, including quarterly earnings do play a role in getting to a high conviction big moving picture story.

Jun 03, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
Actually interesting. The book shows some common misconceptions about forecasting, well, statistics really. I'm often surprised by how people, including me, misinterpret data. The book as well showed what it takes to be an excellent forecaster. Basically, requires the same skills equally anything: pay attention, evaluate yourself, know your blindspots, exist apprehensive, practice. Actually interesting. The book shows some common misconceptions most forecasting, well, statistics actually. I'm frequently surprised past how people, including me, misinterpret data. The book also showed what it takes to be an excellent forecaster. Basically, requires the same skills as anything: pay attention, evaluate yourself, know your blindspots, be humble, exercise. ...more
Frank Ruscica
Just finished reading an advance copy. The signal-to-noise ratio of this book: maximum.
Dec 19, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Every bit Hume noted, there's no rational footing for believing that the sunday will ascent tomorrow. Nonetheless our encephalon wants to have it simple – nosotros believe that the future will exist like the past. The problem here is that the truth of that conventionalities is not self-evident, and there are always numerous possibilities that the future will modify. It means that our causal reasoning tin't be justified rationally, and thus there's no rational basis for believing that the lord's day will rise tomorrow. However, near nobody woul As Hume noted, there'south no rational basis for believing that the sun volition rise tomorrow. Yet our brain wants to have information technology unproblematic – we believe that the future will be similar the by. The problem hither is that the truth of that belief is not self-evident, and there are e'er numerous possibilities that the hereafter will change. Information technology means that our causal reasoning tin can't exist justified rationally, and thus there'southward no rational basis for believing that the dominicus volition rise tomorrow. Still, almost nobody would claim there volition be no sunrise tomorrow (at least in Stockholm we haven't seen it during the last iii weeks). This is human nature – to believe that sure things will happen. To predict and forecast is in human nature also. Some people claim they are very good at it. The author takes on it and gives and splendid overview and assay of the situation in the prediction and forecasting globe, and introduces some large achievers in this expanse – superforecasters.

Regarding superforecasters, obviously, they be. Exist just like Warren Buffet, like the guys winning the lottery, like some personas becoming presidents of the The states, etc., i.e. the rare ones who reaches extremely improbable heights. Is it a pure skill or is it a product of the skill and the result of the randomness filter, aka as luck? Forecasting of the events emerging from the social formations and human made systems is virtually impossible. Assuming free will exists, information technology makes our world extremely complex, and complicated. There's a possibility that supercomputers and AI will eventually greatly improve forecasting of natural phenomena, similar weather condition, earthquakes, flooding and the similar. But then again, humans are in the loop, and nearly likely accept the capacity to significantly modify the natural processes. This makes the whole man altered natural arrangement practically unpredictable.

To get a superforecaster one needs to constantly calibrate and verify the underlying models. As writer points out, it is relatively easy in some areas, because some events forecasted have a high frequency, like conditions forecasts, where i tin can verify the forecast on daily basis and improve the models. Rare processes are virtually incommunicable to calibrate, just because they are rare and there is not enough data to calibrate the prediction model, would it be a mental or a computer model. That's why the forecasting of the events residing in fat tails, the extremes, Black Swans, as Taleb calls them, is epistemically impossible.

I took on this volume with the premise that listening to anyone who thinks they can predict the hereafter is a big waste matter of time. The author mapped out what abilities a superforecaster usually possess to become such a good one. Among the strengths of a skillful forecaster is the open up-mindedness and the power to update i's believes based on the new evidence. I recall, I take those dispositions and this book actually shifted me some degrees toward the optimistic sceptic. My curiosity on the attribute of how the groups tin do some valuable forecasting has increased.

Sometimes, information technology can exist very unsafe to base ones activities on predictive grounds. Good reactive capabilities, like risk management is essential to be able to cope with whatever the future will bring.

Someone said that planning is useless, but it is indispensable. And many say we should live in a moment. All the same, information technology's difficult and possibly even not then wise to non put down some ideas on how the future would unfold. Peradventure planning is an illusion, just like many illusions information technology might give some existential comfort.

Very soon we will close the books, raise a glass and effort to look into the new year with the hope it will be at least a better year than the previous one. We will certainly forecast many things we believe will happen adjacent year. No one could take said it ameliorate virtually this kind game equally Lin Wells (just change 2010 to 2019) -- "All of which is to say that I'm non sure what 2010 volition look like, but I'1000 sure that it volition exist very lilliputian similar we expect, so we should program appropriately".

This was my 100th book this year. I have forecasted this to happen, and it did! On this forecast my Bramble score is 0 – meaning: perfection! On that note, to my followers and friends:

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year!!!

Allen Adams
Sep 30, 2015 rated it it was amazing

Ever since flesh has grasped the concept of time, we have been trying to predict the futurity. Whole cottage industries have sprung up around the procedure of prediction. Knowing what is coming adjacent is a need that borders on the obsessive within our culture.

Merely is information technology fifty-fifty possible to predict what has yet to happen?

According to "Superforecasters: The Fine art and Science of Prediction", the answer is yeah…sort of. Social scientist Philip Tetlock and journalist Dan

Always since mankind has grasped the concept of fourth dimension, nosotros have been trying to predict the future. Whole cottage industries accept sprung up around the process of prediction. Knowing what is coming next is a need that borders on the obsessive within our civilisation.

But is it even possible to predict what has yet to happen?

According to "Superforecasters: The Art and Scientific discipline of Prediction", the respond is yes…sort of. Social scientist Philip Tetlock and journalist Dan Gardner have teamed upwardly to offer a treatise on the nature of prognostication. Not only do they discuss the many pitfalls of prediction, but they also offer upwardly some thoughts on that modest percent of the population who, for a variety of reasons, are very, VERY good at it.

Tetlock has spent decades researching the power of prediction. Basically, people are pretty terrible at it. He himself uses the oft-offered illustration of a chimpanzee throwing darts – the implication is that random take chances is at least as skilful at predicting future outcomes equally the boilerplate forecaster. Fifty-fifty the well-known pundits, the paper columnists and talking heads – even they struggle to outperform the proverbial dart-tossing simian.

But over the grade of Tetlock's years of study by way of his ongoing Good Judgment Project, he uncovered an amazing truth. Yes, most people accept no real notion of how to predict the outcome of hereafter events. However, there are some who can outperform the chimp. They can outperform the famous names. They tin outperform recollect tanks and universities and national intelligence agencies and algorithms.

Tetlock calls these people "superforecasters."

These superforecasters were among the tens of thousands that volunteered to be a role of the Good Judgment Projection. They were part of a massive, government-funded forecasting tournament. These people – folks from all walks of life, filmmakers and retirees and ballroom dancers and you lot name information technology – were asked to predict the effect of time to come events. And so they did. These people soon separated themselves from the pack, offering predictions virtually a vast and varied assemblage of global events with a degree of unmatched accuracy.

In "Superforecasters," we get a chance to expect a little closer at some of these remarkably gifted individuals. Tetlock offers analysis of some by predictions that were successful and others that were failures. We also become insight from prominent figures in the intelligence community and from people ensconced in the public and individual sectors alike. And as Tetlock and company dig deeper, it becomes clear that the key to forecasting accuracy – to becoming a superforecaster – isn't about computing power or circuitous algorithms or hush-hush formulas. Instead, it'southward about a mindset, a desire to devote 1'due south intellectual powers to a flexibility of thought. The accuracy of these superforecasters springs from their ability to empathise probability and to work as a team, equally well as an acceptance of the possibility of mistake and a willingness to modify one's heed.

There's something inherently fascinating nearly predicting the future. One might call back that Tetlock's findings are a bit complex – and they undoubtedly are. However, what he and co-author Gardner have done is condense the myriad complications of his decades of enquiry into something digestible. A wealth of data has been distilled into a compelling and fascinating work. It's not quite pop science – information technology's a bit denser than that – but it'south however perfectly comprehensible to the layman. In essence, this volume gives u.s. a clear and demonstrable way to meliorate the fashion we predict the future.

"Superforecasting" is a fascinating and compelling exploration of something to which many of us may non take given much thought. It'south non all haphazard chance – there are really ways to amend your ability to predict the future, some of which are laid out right hither for you. If cypher else, you'll never await at a pundit's prediction the same way again.

Katrina Stevenson
I truly think I learned a lot about how to forecast more accurately, and what to be aware of when listening to the forecasts of others. It definitely expanded my critical middle when it comes to experts, claims of fact, etc.
Jul 02, 2018 rated it really liked it
It sucks when an audiobook is penned past two people only you hear a lot of "I" and "me". After a niggling bit of groundwork check, plain the "I" and "me" guy is Tetlock, the scientist, while Gardner is just here for the ride. And as well because he's a journalist and considering he can write. But maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, the stop-result is worth it. Information technology's a very detailed business relationship of two forecasting tournaments, which aim to observe out if people are better than risk at predicting the futurity. Short reply:

Information technology sucks when an audiobook is penned by ii people merely you hear a lot of "I" and "me". After a little scrap of background check, plain the "I" and "me" guy is Tetlock, the scientist, while Gardner is just here for the ride. And as well considering he's a journalist and because he can write. But maybe I'chiliad wrong.

Anyway, the terminate-effect is worth it. Information technology's a very detailed account of two forecasting tournaments, which aim to find out if people are better than take chances at predicting the future. Curt respond: for some people yeah, merely on average no. Which means that, while some are better than average, some people are really worse at predicting the future than the flip of a money, or Tetlock's infamous "dart-throwing monkey".

Bated from describing the experiments and drawing conclusions from them, which by themselves would have made this book worth every minute spent reading it, the authors also discuss other experiments and connect their findings to other theories proposed past psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, essayst of "Blackness Swan" fame Nassim Nicholas Taleb and a few other theorists, both with civilian and military backgrounds.

The authors focus on predictions about international events and especially on their definiteness. The tournaments aim to observe people who can make very good predictions (a lot better than the monkey) and find out how they go about achieving such adept scores. Their conclusions are, as always, common-sense, if you stop to think well-nigh information technology. Just their insight likewise helps avert the pitfalls nosotros may encounter forth the way. While not many of us will be called upon to predict if, upon exam, Yasser Arafat's trunk contains traces of Polonium, or if Northward Korea develops nuclear weapons within a given timeframe, these experiments point out judgement flaws inherent in our homo nature and make united states aware of our own mistakes.

Unlike Kahneman'due south Thinking Fast and Slow, this book's contents are perhaps less directly relevant to anybody. It seems to use more to people who are in the business of forecasting, like economists, financial analysts and stock brokers. And I say this also considering it's very practical and gives a lot of details on the methods i tin use to achieve better forecasting results. What is actually relevant to anybody, is their clarification of the mindset required for good decision-making and how someone should become almost weighing the consequences of important decisions earlier making them. Of course, going with your gut feelings is one way of making a decision, and, apparently, if you already accept experience in that situation, a gut decision is already a lot better than random. But a better way, fifty-fifty if your gut tells you a course of action is good, and you have enough time to analyse the issue, is to check your internal signal of view against an external one, which can be quantified, and then adjust your initial estimate accordingly. Really yous get a much better explanation and also a lot of examples in the book, and they do, in fact, make sense.

It is i of the improve books I read his year, and I found it pleasant to be reminded of some of the concepts discussed previously by Kahneman. Forecasting is an integral part of our humanity, and this volume can also assistance the states empathise ourselves a flake better. One more thing: listening to it was a delightful experience. The functioning, except for a few German names, was admirable, while the pace and the examples kept everything interesting.

Jan 21, 2018 rated it liked it
The point Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner are trying to make is that in the field of forecasting we seldom measure the accuracy of a prediction retrospectively, information technology applies peculiarly to talking heads giving vague opinions often with no timeframes in media nigh the trends in the stock market, crunch in Syria, results of next elections etc. The unfortunate affair is that the aforementioned happens or happened previously in the national intelligence services likewise. No scores were kept on the accuracy levels The indicate Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner are trying to brand is that in the field of forecasting we seldom mensurate the accuracy of a prediction retrospectively, it applies peculiarly to talking heads giving vague opinions often with no timeframes in media about the trends in the stock market place, crisis in Syria, results of next elections etc. The unfortunate thing is that the aforementioned happens or happened previously in the national intelligence services too. No scores were kept on the accuracy levels of the forecasts, therefor it was incommunicable to improve also.

To start validating the forecasts Philip Tetlock ran an experiment - the Good Judgement Project – a competition for the ordinary folks to forecast the future, in essence a crowdsourcing projection. It was a success, a revelation for the prediction scientific discipline as it turned out the results were ~40% improve than fix benchmark. The accuracy of those probabilistic predictions was measured with Brier score, a validation method where the set of possible outcomes can be either binary or categorical and must be mutually sectional.

An example. Suppose that i is forecasting the probability P that information technology volition rain on a given day. Then the Brier score is calculated every bit follows:

If the forecast is 100% (P = 1) and it rains, then the Bramble Score is 0, the best score achievable.
If the forecast is 100% and it does non rain, and then the Brier Score is i, the worst score achievable.
If the forecast is 70% (P = 0.seventy) and information technology rains, then the Brier Score is (0.70−one)two = 0.09.
If the forecast is xxx% (P = 0.30) and it rains, and so the Brier Score is (−ane)2 = 0.49.
If the forecast is 50% (P = 0.50), then the Brier score is (0.50−one)2 = (0.50−0)2 = 0.25, regardless of whether it rains.

By using Bramble score, Tetlock managed to find from thousands of forecasters the and so called superforecasters who had exceptional results. By interviewing and oberving them he noted that the superforecasters had following characteristics:

Cautious: Nothing is certain.
Humble: Reality is infinitely complex
Nondeterministic: What happens is non meant to be and does not have to happen
Actively open up-minded: Beliefs are hypotheses to exist tested, non treasures to be protected.
Intelligent and knowledgeable, with a need for knowledge: Intellectually curious, enjoy puzzles and mental challenges
Cogitating: Introspective and cocky-disquisitional
Numerate: Comfortable with numbers

In their methods of forecasting they tend to be:

Businesslike: Non wedded to any thought or agenda
Analytical: Capable of stepping back from the tip-of-your-nose perspective and considering other views
Dragonfly-eyed: Value diverse views and synthesize them into their own
Probabilistic: Judge using many grades of maybe
Thoughtful updaters: When facts change, they change their minds
Good intuitive psychologists: Enlightened of the value of checking thinking for cognitive and emotional biases.

In their work ethic, they tend to have:

A growth mindset: Believe it's possible to go meliorate
Grit: Adamant to go along at information technology withal long information technology takes

All-time quotes:

Magnus CarlsenI often tin can´t explain move, information technology but feels correct. Normally I know what I volition do in ten seconds; the residuum is double-checking.

Unknown - Non everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.

GalenAll who drink of this remedy recover in a brusque time except those whom it does not help, who all die.

...more than
Shrey Srivastava
I find a swell irony with this work is that its main lessons apply not mainly to forecasting near-term phenomena - nevertheless important those may be - simply also to how to approach decisions in life from a more pragmatic perspective. We are all guilty of succumbing to the many heuristics highlighted by Tetlock, and a cursory glance into ourselves tells us just how flawed nosotros are, and hence merely how far at that place is to get.

Although not as rare equally we might think, superforecasters are special. They may not exist

I find a peachy irony with this work is that its main lessons apply not mainly to forecasting virtually-term phenomena - however important those may exist - but also to how to approach decisions in life from a more than pragmatic perspective. We are all guilty of succumbing to the many heuristics highlighted by Tetlock, and a cursory glance into ourselves tells us just how flawed we are, and hence just how far there is to go.

Although non as rare as we might recall, superforecasters are special. They may not exist the nigh intelligent, nor the most formally educated, however the manner they approach difficult problems is something nosotros can all appreciate. Moreover, with a swell bargain of targeted effort, we can hopefully all become more accurate at predicting the sorts of events that shape the globe. As Tetlock deftly notes, using our System 2 thinking for such matters is something that can exist trained then much that it becomes instinctual - part of our Arrangement 1.

Replete with a litany of real-world examples and brimming with insightful observations, Superforecasting is a must read; till engagement information technology is one of the most intellectually stimulating works I've had the fortune to pick up. If you lot want to introspect and analyse your own intellectual drawbacks, I cannot as of now recommend a finer book.

TL;DR: Philip Tetlock tries hard to justify experts and their useless predictions/forecasts. Almost succeeds.

Let's all promise I will write a legible, meaningful review of this fascinating book someday...

TL;DR: Philip Tetlock tries hard to justify experts and their useless predictions/forecasts. Almost succeeds.

Let'south all promise I will write a legible, meaningful review of this fascinating book someday...

Jan 13, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Many of my friends were recommending this book to me and at present that I've read it, I regret non doing information technology sooner. Do yourself a favor and read information technology asap! Many of my friends were recommending this book to me and now that I've read information technology, I regret not doing it sooner. Do yourself a favor and read it asap! ...more than
Kevin Liou
Non a lot of substance, just a fairly wide overview of forecasting (mostly through The Good Judgment Project) and scattered examples here and there.
Fairly skillful when talking about forecasting and taking insights from Tetlock'south long run studies; poor when tries to convert that into business advice. Pleasant to read throughout. Fairly skilful when talking about forecasting and taking insights from Tetlock'due south long run studies; poor when tries to convert that into business communication. Pleasant to read throughout. ...more than
Simon Eskildsen
The average human forecaster is no better than a monkey throwing darts. Evolutionarily, we've adult a uncomplicated three-dial system for making decision: Do I meet a huge dangerous predator? Yeah, run. Maybe, stay alert / run. No, relax. Whenever nosotros practice venture into predictions, information technology'south with a vague vocabulary filled with rubbery words: may, before long, highly likely, unlikely, .. The statement "Greece may default in the near future" really doesn't mean annihilation: may is completely uncertain, and the nearly futu The average human forecaster is no better than a monkey throwing darts. Evolutionarily, nosotros've developed a uncomplicated three-dial organization for making conclusion: Do I meet a huge dangerous predator? Yeah, run. Possibly, stay alert / run. No, relax. Whenever we practice venture into predictions, it'southward with a vague vocabulary filled with rubbery words: may, soon, highly probable, unlikely, .. The statement "Hellenic republic may default in the near future" actually doesn't hateful anything: may is completely uncertain, and the near time to come could be a year, decade or tomorrow depending on who you ask. If the medium for predictions is ambiguous English, how are we supposed to evaluate and therethrough make anyone accountable for their predictions?

However, aggregate a big enough sample of average dart throwing humans and you lot'll get a much more than useful outcome. If you accept enough people guessing the weight of an ox, the boilerplate volition run quite close to reality. People all come with unlike backgrounds, biases and $.25 of information that they eddy downwards to a unmarried number. Combine enough of those numbers, and a remarkable corporeality of information is captured in the final boilerplate. This is exactly how a stock market works, oodles of traders button new data into the stock.

This strategy can exist applied merely likewise to your own predictions. Instead of thinking twice to take another angle, think 12 times, fifty-fifty amend 100 times—go your own supplier of various views, and aggregate these views. Every bit new information submerges, update your predictions, but only movement them little at a time. Super forecasters recollect in probabilities, not three dial notches, and they're excellent distilling facts into numbers. What sets them apart is their ability to see through confirmation bias, and consider as many angles as they can mayhap detect. They're experts at bias awareness and rest. They grunt at the smell of false dichotomy. They don't substitute questions for whether they'd exercise it, but absorb the full context to sympathise whether the person the prediction question is almost will do it. Their growth mindset is what makes this possible, they refuse to believe that everything cannot exist learned through difficult work—versus a fixed mindset, where you call up your but job is to reveal skills yous were born with.

When an effective forecaster look at a new problem, they start with a baseline. It'due south easy to get primed by an inside perspective here, but a super forecaster always start from exterior. Vietnam and Mainland china border dispute? Look at history and run across how often information technology's happened in the by, rather than compiling simply from data available right this week which is subject to the availability bias. They don't go incredibly deep into ane branch of an event, merely rather develop a nuanced, wide perspective. Ferme predictions are a weapon of choice, breaking a problem into many that tin can each take a reasonable probability associated with it. They know that the aggregation will result in a reasonable prediction. After developing an outside perspective, they'll dig within and come up dorsum up merging the two into their final prediction.

Super forecasters do remarkably in groups, effectively assemblage of aggregations. This is how Nate Silver works too, and ii-level (or even higher) of aggregating can be remarkably effective. They're enlightened of groupthink: that consensus should not be confused with having constitute the best possible solution. Friendliness may not spur plenty various opinions. Chaos is an accepted reality among them, and they understand that the farther into the hereafter we venture the more than we invite anarchy and unpredictability. Taleb, the writer and Kahnemann all agree it's unreasonable to predict annihilation 10 years out. Predictions excel in the 3-xviii month range, equally longer it becomes bailiwick to the butterfly effect and it becomes more like a seasonal atmospheric condition prediction than annihilation. When the book discusses anarchy, information technology takes a detour into Prussian war strategy where localized decision power was always maximized. The higher ups would etch the overall plan, but the field generals would make the final decisions. The vision was shared, merely the execution was up to the people with the well-nigh information. The famous quote here being "plans don't survive contact with the enemy".

The author does a proficient task throughout of applying what he'southward preaching, questioning what he'south saying and arguing against information technology.

...more than

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