Chicken Pox Can You Catch It Again


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Chickenpox (varicella) is a common, preventable childhood infection caused past the varicella-zoster virus. Information technology'due south virtually common in young children and is usually balmy, but can be very uncomfortable for your child. When adolescents and adults go information technology, they can be very sick.

Chickenpox is very dangerous for people with immune system problems similar leukemia, or for people taking medications that weaken the immune organization.

What are the symptoms?

  • Chickenpox begins with a fever, aches and pains.
  • Within 1 or ii days your child will go a rash. The rash is commonly itchy and tin make your kid uncomfortable. It appears on the scalp and face up, spreading quickly downwards the torso and onto the arms and legs. The spots first as apartment pink spots that turn into minor water blisters. New spots will form even later others turn into blisters. Some children merely go a few blisters, only others can have as many as 500. Blisters open, dry out up and course scabs in 4 or 5 days.
  • Most children lose their ambition and have a headache during the kickoff few days.

How is it spread?

Chickenpox spreads to others very hands. Considering information technology can spread from 2 days before the rash appears, information technology often spreads without anyone knowing. Information technology can continue to spread until all of the blisters have scabbed.

  • The virus enters the torso by the nose or rima oris. It commonly develops 2 to 3 weeks afterward contact with an infected person.
  • ​It is mainly spread through the air. The virus can survive in the air for several hours. It can exist caught by being in a room with an infected person or in a room where someone with chickenpox has been recently.
  • Information technology too spreads from person to person through direct contact with the virus. You lot tin go chickenpox if you impact a blister, or the liquid or wet chaff from a cicatrice.
  • A pregnant woman with chickenpox tin can pass it on to her babe earlier birth.
  • Mothers with chickenpox can also give it to their newborn babies afterward nativity.

If one of your children has chickenpox, information technology will probably spread to other members of the household who have non already had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine.

Chickenpox cannot live on objects like sheets, counters or toys.

Can chickenpox crusade bigger problems?

  • Babies who become chickenpox from their mothers before nascence could be born with nascence defects like skin scars, centre problems, brain impairment or artillery and legs that are not fully formed.
  • Chickenpox can be very severe or even life-threatening to babies in the showtime calendar month of life, to adolescents and adults, and to anyone who has a weak immune organization.
  • Children with chickenpox can get pneumonia (infection of the lungs) or become inflammation of the brain.
  • The blisters can become infected with bacteria and this can atomic number 82 to lifelong scars. Though well-nigh of these infections are modest and clear upwardly on their ain, some tin lead to a serious illness called necrotizing fasciitis (or "flesh-eating illness").

Can you lot accept chickenpox twice?

In most cases, yous can only get chickenpox in one case. This is chosen life-long immunity. But in rare cases, a person might become it again, particularly if they were very young when they had information technology the offset time.

What is shingles?

Shingles looks like chickenpox and is caused by the same virus. But it usually appears on just one part of the body, where it causes pain. Shingles tin happen in people who have already had chickenpox just normally many years subsequently since after we have chickenpox, the virus stays with us in an inactive grade. Shingles is contagious, only only to those who take never had chickenpox.

How can I treat chickenpox?

  • If your child gets chickenpox, do not requite aspirin [acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)] or whatsoever products that incorporate aspirin. Taking aspirin increases the risk of getting Reye'south syndrome. This severe illness can impairment the liver and brain. If yous want to command your child's fever, apply acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra, Panadol and others).
  • Encourage your child not to scratch. Scratching can cause infection from leaner that get into the pare. Adding blistering soda to bathwater can be soothing. Your md may recommend a foam to help reduce the crawling.
  • Infants with chickenpox, and older children or adults with a severe affliction may be treated with antiviral drugs.

When should I call the md?

  • A new fever develops after the get-go couple of days. That is, the fever goes abroad for a twenty-four hours or and so and returns.
  • Your child looks ill (not wanting to play, consume or drink), especially if they likewise accept a high fever or have many spots inside the mouth.
  • A chickenpox spot becomes enlarged, scarlet or very sore. Your doctor will decide if your child has developed a bacterial infection that needs antibiotics.

Can my child with chickenpox go to kid care or school?

Many schools and daycare centres have policies that require children with chickenpox to stay habitation for v days afterward the rash appears. The goal is to protect other children from the illness. Unfortunately, this does not stop chickenpox from spreading.

Chickenpox is contagious from 1 to 2 days before the rash appears, and virtually infectious from 12 to 24 hours earlier the rash appears. It spreads through the air, not just by directly contact with the rash. Policies that require that your child stay home for a period of time don't work considering by the time it's known that a child has chickenpox, it has already been passed on to other children.

If your kid is also sick to accept part in regular activities or if they have a fever, they should stay home. For mild cases (low fever for a curt period of time and only a little rash, less than 30 spots), children tin go to school or child intendance if they feel well enough to take part in regular activities, and if the facility permits.

What if I'm pregnant?

Significant women can develop severe chickenpox. Most adult women are already protected against chickenpox past antibodies in their blood. If y'all are thinking of getting meaning and have not had chickenpox, y'all should be vaccinated. If you lot are pregnant and have not had chickenpox, call your doctor right away if you are exposed to chickenpox. Your doctor may want to give you a special blazon of immune globulin (VariZIG) that has antibodies to chickenpox to assistance forbid you from getting a severe infection.

If you grab chickenpox early in your pregnancy, there is a 2% adventure of information technology harming your unborn infant.

How can I protect my child?

The best mode to protect your child from chickenpox is vaccination. If your kid is not yet vaccinated and comes in contact with some other child or family fellow member who has chickenpox, they may still be protected if they are vaccinated right away.

If your child has an immune organisation disorder and comes in contact with chickenpox, call your doc right away. The doctor can give a special blazon of immune globulin (VariZIG) with a large concentration of antibodies to chickenpox to aid foreclose infection, or early treatment with an antiviral drug.

Reviewed past the following CPS committees

  • Infectious Diseases and Immunization Committee


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